The Grizzled Pro Speaks, Part Three: Are we having fun yet? I - TopicsExpress


The Grizzled Pro Speaks, Part Three: Are we having fun yet? I am. I love having the chance to air out some good, specific questions here... especially knowing they matter to folks right now. Tonight, an easy one (the 3rd of 5 I promised)... and a chance to highlight another resource for good, free, veteran-level advice. Mitch Miller writes: John, our stories are nearly identical personality and life situation wise. I am 31, and have just started to blast off into success land (thanks to you and Halbert and understanding that I am only one good sales letter away from a fortune). My question would be: How can I limit the amount of damage I will surely do to myself by all of a sudden making a pile of money? My time has come, and I feel I am finally about to peak - I do not want to blow it all on lamborghinis and dinners, though I know that could happen to me. It is inevitable that I am about to get rich so to speak - how does a kid who grew up poor, not kill himself with all that angst when I finally make it? Love yah man. Well. First, thanks for the kind words, Mitch. Second... it just so happens that the podcast I co-host with Kevin Rogers -- Psych Insights For Modern Marketers -- did an entire show on this very subject not too long ago. So rather than re-hash what we shared, just follow the link below to the podcast, and get hip. (Be sure to sign up for alerts on future shows, too, if you like the podcast. Remember: All free.) Let me add: What Mitch asks about is a very real, very pervasive, and very stubborn problem for anyone... in any gig... who gets good, gets rewarded, and suddenly has to face dramatic financial, emotional and intellectual change. The old saying Money cant buy happiness is true... though, most folks would prefer to learn it for themselves, rather than just be lectured about it. So, I know from experience that nothing I say can make anyone pause -- even for a moment -- when they climb on the roller coaster of rapid wealth. Still, once the consequences of moving up a level (or more) in raw wealth and prestige start to settle in... and they will, and it will be painful (especially if you started out in modest circumstances) (like living out of your car, as I did)... ... its CRITICAL that you know these tactics for dealing with the burn-out and lifestyle changes descending on your ill-equipped ass. So go here, and feast your ears: pi4mm/show07-burnout/
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 06:00:00 +0000

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