The Law of Allowance and the Ant Colony Last summer I noticed a - TopicsExpress


The Law of Allowance and the Ant Colony Last summer I noticed a long dark line leading all around a friends pool and large garden. Looking closer I was fascinated to see it was a line of black ants carrying all sorts of items. All the smaller ants were carrying stones, leaves, sticks and bread which were much larger than their own body frames. Then watching I realised there were very large ants that looked like they were wearing battle armour not moving as fast and not carrying anything just guarding and watching the marching smaller ants. I guessed these ants were attempting to build a nest outside the garden. Now, Ive been trained from a young age to never depend on any help from an external influence and to always take absolute responsibility for my life and believed there was nothing I could not handle with my own faith. But after having very unusual, awful experiences in my life I was shocked to witness amazing high vibrational beings help and protect me. These beings are so advanced they make even the most genius of our human race resemble earth worms. During these experiences I witnessed the absolute worse type of beings, which dispelled my arrogance. But also I became aware of the incredibly advanced beings who rescued me, which unfolded my humbleness. I now know because the destructive entities interfered with the physical realm ( violating laws) by attacking me then the constructive beings could intervene without violating the laws. I have to emphasise, us humans have to elevate our own vibration and then we ATTRACT beings on the same vibrational level. The balance has to be had. We can not lazily wait for divine intervention. We have to make efforts to attract divinity by focussing and mobilising our own inner whirlpool of divinity and in so doing THEN we using the principle of Like Attracts Like lock into the divine creative source or Buddha/God/Allah (words limit) the eternal POWER which underlines all life. so back to the ant colony. I had a break from watching the ants as it was scorching weather and went for a swim. There I rescued drowning ants and flys as I do because Im always aware that I was helped by entities on the higher evolutionary scale as much as I am compared to the ants. I scooped them up with gratitude to all the helpers who helped me. And then getting out of the pool I resumed my study of the ants and to my horror I noticed the ones I had helped were still weak and were being eaten alive by some newly arrived red ants. And also some bread I had given the marching ants to save them the long journey around the garden lead to them being attacked by the red hungry ants! Then I saw the large armoured large ants fighting off the red ants but because they were so out numbered the small red ants were killing off the guarding ants! They even managed to pull their heads off. Oh no! My interference had created World War 3 in the ant world! The road to hell is paved by good intentions... I quickly realised that without my intervention the ants would have worked harder, yet built their muscles. Quickly applying this observation with the principle of Correspondence I realised why people who believe in a higher power quickly become disillusioned feeling they have been forsaken. There is help at hand but we also have to respect the Law of Allowance and know when people have to flex their muscles through experiences. We are on this world to evolve, yet help does come. From what I witnessed and experienced I know there are helpers looking over us but the true ones will always be discerning when intervention is needed. Their intervention will empower us NOT weaken us causing us to become dependant on them. In fact I will go as far as saying that if you feel you have helpers with you and you feel they help you with trivialities then be suspicious. And I will say to those who feel abandoned, trust you are being watched and helped more than you realise. I am convinced that the more silent they are the more highly evolved they are. There are so many loving life forms around in the multiple dimensions looking on at us as clearly as we can look on at a fish in a goldfish bowl. They watch us suffer yet frustrated they try so hard NOT to intervene. At those most desperate times when I have felt lifes roller coaster has just pushed me beyond my ability to cope, feeling absolutely abandoned on all levels I have had the much needed attitude/belief change. Almost like the old lower thoughts and self had to be burnt out in order for my higher mind and consciousness to be reborn like a pheonix out of the ashes. If I had the help I perceived I needed at those painful stages I would never have evolved. Mejnour Zanoni
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:11:56 +0000

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