The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,to the soul who seeks - TopicsExpress


The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,to the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25 The awesome thing about this verse is where it comes from. It is written in the midst of actual lamenting! A whole book of woes! It is one of the books that people think is such a downer and try their best to skip over to the happier stuff. But it is so very important to read and to really ponder,because it is where the rubber meets the road in our faith. It is one thing to praise Him and trust Him when things are going well. When the sky is blue,the kids are laughing and the wallet is full. But what happens when the night seems endless,the pain cant be touched,the diagnosis is grim. Where is God in all of that? Can you still rejoice? Are you still anchored? Can God be trusted. Over and over again we see in the scriptures a resounding Yes-and I do mean see and not just read. The promises,the hope,the peace jumps off the page from the lives of so many faithful servants that came before. In the faith of Abraham. In the integrity of Joseph. In the stalwart resolve of Job. I know that my Redeemer lives. Even after the rug has been ripped from underneath me,and I can do very little to hold back the tears. He lives. He actually lives within me. And so I can never be abandoned or forsaken. No situation is hopeless. No one can ever steal my joy. It is joy that rings out a clarion call that He is risen even when everything around me seems to be taking its last breath. It is peace that can sit in the midst of the storm that is threatening to consume me and know that we can be still because He is God. It is faith that understands that an army,a walled city,and even a sea cannot stand in our way of a God that has a purpose and a plan for His children. It is everything because He is everything. It is knowing that He is who He says He is,and taking all of those beautiful promises to heart and to the bank because we know that He cannot fail,nor renege. It may not ever be easy. We may be surrounded on all sides. The skies may be dark,and our hearts may be heavy. But He is worth holding onto for dear life. He is worth my waiting,my hoping,my trusting. He is so very good to those that wait on Him and seek Him. He is so very good,indeed. Be encouraged. Each hair on your head is taken into account. Each tear is collected. Each sigh is noticed. You are precious in His sight. That is a promise. :)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:14:42 +0000

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