The Majority of the People May Alter or Abolish a Government Which - TopicsExpress


The Majority of the People May Alter or Abolish a Government Which has Become Tyrannical. The framers of the Constitution realized this idea when they acted to throw off the tyrannical rule of King George III. It is the duty of all free men and women to do this whenever a ruler or government becomes oppressive. The definition of a tyranny is the oppressive rule of one person over the People, but government themselves can become oppressive in their own right. Our Founding Fathers rid this nation of the rule of King George III of England only to have that tyrant, several thousand miles away, eventually replaced by the tyrannical rule of 535 in our own backyard. It is as clear as the nose on anyone’s face that for quite some time our nation has deteriorated to being ruled over by an oligarchy. An oligarchy is a small group of people who together rule or govern a nation often for its own purposes. This type of government can be even more oppressive than the rule of a single tyrant. The people who represent us today come from the ranks of attorneys, career politicians and wealthy businessmen. Two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, hold on tightly to the power of who can represent the People. They do this by hoodwinking the People into thinking you must be one of the ruling classes in order to run for office. More importantly they have the majority of Americans thinking that they must not vote for someone not approved by either of the two political parties. They have enlisted the expertise of their members to make sure that no common or ordinary person outside their tight groups even has a chance to get elected. They do this in two ways. First they make rules and regulations that favor incumbent politicians. Secondly they have made it so expensive to run that no common ordinary person can compete. A more insidious method to ensure that this small group of people, who together rule or govern this nation (often for its own purposes), is to convince the majority of the People to believe and hold fast to the idea that one must have a law degree, other experience holding public office, or be a successful wealthy businessman or woman to be qualified to hold elected office. Nothing could be further from the truth, and not only is it not necessary, no place in the Constitution is it written down that any such qualifications exist. The qualifications to hold any office is held to three general rules. You must be a certain age, you must have lived in the United States for a certain amount of time, and you must be a natural born citizen. The people who founded this nation were mainly farmers or land holders. There weren’t too many lawyers around except for some who got their education in Europe or in some cases self taught at home in the colonies. There were businessmen, but not all of those actively engaged in politics were wealthy, not by a long shot. The most important qualification to hold office is that of citizenship. To hold all offices you must be a citizen. This means you were born on United States soil or you immigrated to this nation and became naturalized. To hold the office of the President, however, requires that you be a certain kind of citizen. You must be a natural born citizen. This means that not only were you born on United States soil, you must also be the progeny of parents born on United States soil or naturalized after immigrating. The framers made this clear distinction to prevent a person with divided loyalties from holding the Office of the President. To be a United States Representative or United States Senator it is not as critical to be a natural born citizen—perhaps because there are 534 other individuals competing to get their ideas passed into law. With the Presidency there is only one man or woman who controls an entire branch of the government. The Framers of the Constitution saw the danger of someone with divided loyalties from holding this one very important position the made absolutely certain that there was a clear distinction between a regular citizen and a natural born citizen. It is clear once again that the tyranny we now face has obfuscated a clear distinction understood by all Americans when the Constitution was penned. Quibbling over the meaning of a word clearly understood when it was written down is one of the ways the People of the United States are oppressed. Obfuscation is the real tool of the American Oligarchy. We are constantly bombarded with the notion that the Constitution is a living breathing document that changes over time. The very beauty of that document is it being a constant. There is no ambiguity in the Constitution and what is written down was completely gone over before it became the law of the land. The Framers knew the exact meaning of the Constitution. It was haggled over for quite some time before our Founding Fathers would agree that it would stand as the law of the land. Each word, each phrase, every punctuation mark was carefully considered before it was ever laid down to paper. The tyrants who rule over us now have the majority of people thinking that the Founding Fathers did not really know what they were writing down when nothing else could be further from the truth. I would imagine that most people would be surprised that the Framers did lay out a way to change the Constitution. Currently the Constitution has been twisted and manipulated to maintain the wealth and power of the oligarchy. Legislators make changes to it, the President signs executive orders that change it, and the Supreme Court legislates from the bench when it is clear their only duty is to determine if a law passed by the Congress and signed by the President is Constitutional or not. The Supreme Court’s duty is to determine yes or no and their reasons why, but it has usurped power not granted to it by the Constitution which is the same thing as power not granted by the People. Here is the smoking gun, America. Our government is controlled by a small number of people who have hijacked the Constitution and have usurped power not given to them in order to deny Americans the Rights and Liberties given to us by God and guaranteed by the Constitution. This is the definition of tyrannical rule. There is only one way that the Constitution can legally be changed. This is by the amendment process. First a Constitutional Convention must be called to suggest a change to that document. Our representatives examine and argue over the proposed change until a consensus is reached. Once this happens the Amendment has to go through the ratification process. This means that all the States in the Union must themselves look at the Amendment, then the People vote up or down on it. It takes three fourths of all the States to ratify a change to the Constitution. The Framers made the process of changing the Constitution so hard that this fact alone stands as testament as to the permanence the law of our nation is. The People of the United States exist in a nation no longer bound by Constitutional Law, but the whims of elected officials that make up a group of people ordinary citizens can’t belong to. We are told otherwise, but we all know in our hearts that the America we thought was, no longer exists. Attorneys, career politicians and wealthy businessmen do what they have to in order to remain in power. The Constitution was written to ensure that the Federal government would never gain absolute control of the nation. We no longer freely elect people to represent us. The people we vote for are carefully groomed and brought up through the ranks in order to learn the rules on how to oppress the People. When this nation is ruled by either political party it is no longer ruled by the People. The amazing thing is, most Americans don’t realize this. When the common person is told that they don’t have the qualifications to run for office despite meeting every single Constitutional requirement, it is the same thing as saying that unless you belong to the tyrannical oligarchy that is party politics you need not bother trying. Is this not the rule of a single entity? We The People have a Constitutional duty to alter or abolish a government which has become tyrannical. First we have to recognize that we live under tyranny. There is no doubt in my mind that we do, as evidenced by the amount of power that the Federal government holds over the States and the individual. When that government prevents the People from electing anyone outside their sphere of influence or control, we do not have the freedom to control our own destiny as a People. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Thomas Jefferson (Annals of America, 2:447-48.)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 04:43:35 +0000

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