The Medical Industry “Sick” from Identity Theft Monday, August - TopicsExpress


The Medical Industry “Sick” from Identity Theft Monday, August 12th, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments When is the last time you made a visit to the doctor? Did you show them your medical card? Did that medical card have your picture on it? Did the receptionist jot down your notes on paper, or did he or she type them in the computer system? Chances are that trip wasn’t all that long ago. Thankfully the medical industry is ever advancing, bringing our families many life-enhancing remedies. There is no lack of medical experts or adequate prescriptions. Technology has helped enormously with sudden advancements, including tracking patients’ information, from personal information to prescription history and blood type, and the list goes on… Unfortunately, one down side of the industries technological advancements is that the acceleration of electronic medical records has also lead to an increase in personal health information theft. According to a recent study in 2009, there were over 275,000 cases of medical information theft in the U.S. “There’s more Identity fraud of every kind being generated from exposure to health records which [have] particularly sensitive information,” said James Van Dyke, president of Javelin Strategy & Research. Van Dyke believes that medical providers aren’t prepared for these advancements with a key finding from the report is that fraud resulting from exposure of health data has risen from 3% in 2008 to 7% in 2009, a 112% increase. However, this is really where the rubber meet s the road: On average, criminals use information from medical records to commit fraud for 320 days as opposed to 81 days of misuse of information from other types of identity theft. Additionally, it takes more than twice the time to detect medical information fraud and the average cost is $12,100, more than twice the costs for other types of identify theft. Whether it’s 81 days or 320 days, both are a massive waste of time for anyone regardless of age or stage to spend on recovering their personal information. Secondarily, I could think of many other things I’d rather spend $12,000 of my hard earned money elsewhere! Wouldn’t you? Thankfully there is hope for the medical industry as well as our families to not only help prevent, but RESTORE by DOING THE WORK if (when) an incident occurs. How would it feel to have a licensed fraud risk investigator take his or her 81-320 days OR spend their own $12,000 to fix the problem? Chances are you would live with a greater peace of mind, with a promise of a better quality of life with your family and on the job. For more information of different identity theft solutions that you can put in place immediately, please contact me here or gowebbs
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:57:34 +0000

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