~The Science Project, and You are the Lab Rats & Guinea - TopicsExpress


~The Science Project, and You are the Lab Rats & Guinea Pigs!!! We are living in a huge matrix where we are the guinea pigs and Lab RATS... Dont think so? Look where we are AT* GMO foods slowly being filtered into SOCIETY.... If you are buying fruit without seeds, Its GMO, Yes, REALLY* Everything we are made to think is good for us is Really BAD... Yes, for the most part weve been HAD* Like lab rats and guinea pigs we are being fed sugar in everything and anything they manage to put on the SHELF... Even the artificial sweetners, Poison, think of arsenic and what it is slowly doing to YourSELF* They already know within a certain time FAME.... What all this is going to do to your body, and that (is) their AIM* Many are finding it hard to kick the Sugar ADDICTION.... You must have a made up mind to do this, for will power can not stand up to the strong holds of this poisonous drug thats a sweet SENSATION* You owe it to yourself as the illuminious light beings that we ARE.... To give our bodies natural nourishment to keep you strong and healthy by FAR* Health & Wellness has always been Yours to HAVE.... Make that decision today, youth will return, and good health will LAST!!! Perpetual Peace, Bountiful Blessings of Health & Wellness, wrapped in a canopy of Love* ~Lady Duchess, Facebook Group(s): Essential Oils, Herbs, Health & Wellness... The Prince of Consciousness...
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:36:38 +0000

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