The Sixth Insight is the awareness of when we lose our inner - TopicsExpress


The Sixth Insight is the awareness of when we lose our inner connection with divine energy. Often we find that at these times we are resorting to our personal (and unconscious) way of manipulating others out of their energy. These manipulations are generally either passive or aggressive. Most passive can be called the victim, or the POOR ME, approach: always framing events as negative, looking to others for help, describing events in such a way as to make others feel guilty (and so to force them to give attention and energy). Less passive is the distancing, or ALOOF, strategy: giving vague answers to questions, never committing to anything, making others pursue in order to understand us. When others are pursing, trying to figure us out, we gain their attention and thus their energy. More aggressive than these two is the CRITIC, or Interrogating, method: seeking to find something wrong with what others are doing, always monitoring. If we catch then in what we consider an error, we make them self-conscious, overly cautious, worried about what we might think. They watch us out of the corner of their eye and thus give us attention and energy. Most aggressive is the INTIMIDATOR style: they get everyone to pay attention to them by force of loudness, physical strength, threats, or unexpected outbursts. They keep everyone on edge for fear of triggering off embarrassing comments, anger, and in extreme cases, rage. Because we tend to repeat these manipulations with everyone we meet, and to structure life events around these devices, they can be understood as “control dramas,” repeated patterns that seem to bring on the same life situations over and over. Once we bring out control dramas into consciousness, however, we begin to catch ourselves every time we revert to them, and so can stay more connected with inner energy. An analysis of our early childhood can reveal how our control dramas evolved, but once this is forgiven we can see deeper reasons why we were placed with our early family. From our parents’ strengths and from particular growth issues they didn’t complete, we can derive our life question and our work or “mission” in the world. —Excerpt from “The Celestine Prophecy—An Experiential Guide”
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:17:30 +0000

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