The Trader’s Pursuit of the Myth of Certainty The biggest - TopicsExpress


The Trader’s Pursuit of the Myth of Certainty The biggest problem I see that keeps traders stuck in mediocrity is their blindness to the need to change from a mindset rooted in predicting certainty of outcome to a probability mindset where the trader learns to live with uncertainty – literally becoming comfortable with not knowing with certainty what is going to happen. It takes internal courage to shift this fundamental biological and psychological bias in perception. Rarely is the mind that brings a person to trading going to be the mind that produces success in trading. The mindset that produces success in other domains of performance based on forcing a will upon the world or having a positive winning attitude does not translate well into trading success. The evolutionary biological bias of your brain predisposes you to seek certainty and avoid uncertainty. (You can already see that this creates a problem in taking a brain designed for survival in an uncertain world and plopping it down into the world of trading without a significant reworking and override of primal directives of the survival brain.) This is your survival (emotional) brain at work. To your primitive brain, uncertainty, chaos, and the fear of death are linked (this is a serious glitch in the development of a trading mind). Add to this the fact that the untrained brain/mind cannot discern the difference between biological threat to the continuance of life and psychological discomfort. (This is a distinct problem in trading because there is always uncertainty and, therefore, psychological discomfort). At its core the brain is a pattern-recognition machine that organizes the developing “you” into a set of beliefs that govern how you interpret and respond to a circumstance that is ambiguous in nature (like trading). Once your brain finds a random solution to a challenge you face, it habituates the solution into an automatic response that no longer requires additional thinking or problem solving. This produces hardwired neural pathways that automatically trigger when the organism (the trader) is exposed to ambiguity, uncertainty, or risk (threat). This mechanism is out of your working awareness and is reactive in nature. (For the trader, this creates a real barrier that compromises the capacity to work with the uncertainty found in trading.) The particular solution is not necessarily the best solution, but it is a successful short-time response to the environmental uncertainty your brain faced. Then the brain takes another step – it generalizes the perception and response to a perceived threat (uncertainty) from one domain to similar ones. This is called response generalization. Suddenly the mind (and all its learned beliefs and behaviors) that the trader brought with him or her into trading becomes a liability to the development of a successful mind for trading. The mind that emerges from the biology of the brain does not separate uncertainty, ambiguity, confusion, and fear from one another. The emotional brain is biased to see the uncertainty found in trading as threatening. This brain and mind that you inherited was never built for the rigors of trading. It’s a liability that you, as a trader bring into trading as a biological bias – and you must retrain it to become a successful negotiator of uncertainty. The brain, with its bias to create a sense of certainty (safe from threats to self), creates highly reactive patterns to keep the illusion of control of circumstance in place. There is even a name for this preponderance – cognitive dissonance. The brain you bring to trading will not accept facts or positions that do not support the current belief structure about its capacity to manage uncertainty (threat). The more facts to the contrary to which you expose the embedded belief, the more entrenched the belief becomes. This all exists so that the brain/mind can keep up its illusion of control. It is this illusion of control that the trader brings to trading that must be altered for him or her to make the transition from certainty-thinking to probability-thinking.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:43:11 +0000

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