The World According to Seth ~ Seth details a philosophy of - TopicsExpress


The World According to Seth ~ Seth details a philosophy of conscious creation. This philosophy supposes that: * Physical reality arises from consciousness, not the other way around. * We create our own reality. * We are not at the mercy of a disjointed deity or subconscious. * We are multi-dimensional beings; more than our physical bodies. * Time and space are dimensional “illusions” we jointly create and by which we tacitly agree to abide. * At the core of our being, we reside in a realm in which time and space do not exist. * We are, in essence, creative spiritual beings having an earthly experience. * The fate of each of us is in our own hands. * We have multiple, perhaps infinite, life experiences. Problems not faced in this life will be faced in another. * We cannot blame God, society, or our parents for “misfortunes,” since before this physical life we chose the circumstances into which we would be born and the challenges that could best bring about our development. * We form physical matter as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as we breathe. Telepathically, we are all aware of the mass ideas from which we form our overall conception of physical reality. Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Seth admonishes his readers to approach these matters not as mere observers, not as victims of either chance or the whim of some celestial clockmaker, but as spiritually intelligent creatures. Reality, he says, does not unfold randomly or chaotically, but intelligently and holistically, each of us as a unit of consciousness carrying our own load in the creative process. In the reality painted by Seth, an idea is an event, and plays as important and tangible a role in our reality as any event. This is not a new concept, dating in terms of Western civilization back to Plato. What is new in the Seth Material is the extension of this abstract philosophy to a tangible process carried through to its logical conclusion. What is even more remarkable is the clarity of thought and presentation Seth brings to his treatises on this complex issue and many others. Seth proves to be an articulate teacher and a whimsical agent provocateur of thought. He will challenge every prejudice, predisposition, bias and assumption you bring to his podium. If you are like so many others, your mind, once expanded to the reality of your true potential, will never go back to its “original size.” Seth provides as clear, pragmatic and responsible a roadmap for Life’s journey as any we have today. It also happens to be stimulating and joyous reading of the highest order.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 20:40:29 +0000

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