The alternative - to the dying dollar The U.S. dollar is dying - TopicsExpress


The alternative - to the dying dollar The U.S. dollar is dying an ugly death. The U.S. government knows it, and the bankers who run the U.S. government are certainly aware of it – since they are the ones who have (already) undermined its value to worthlessness. Naturally, the dollar’s ugly death is never mentioned in the Corporate media. Even with the manipulation choke-hold which this banking cabal has over our so-called “markets”; it would be extremely difficult to pump-up the value of the dollar to its present, absurdly fraudulent level if everyone knew that this was a dying currency – which will be obsolete (and thus officially worthless) in a few year’s time. All this is carved in stone. What has (previously) been the subject of considerable debate and speculation is what currency will replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s “reserve currency”. The crooked bankers and corrupt governments of the Western bloc have already floated several trial-balloons, in their efforts to attempt to maintain control over the global economy by being in complete control of the principal money supply for the global economy. “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 – 1812) This mantra of financial criminals (in general), and crooked big-banks (in particular) is based on the simplest of premises. If one controls the printing press of a nation (or, in this case, the global economy); that criminal can print-and-steal as much currency as he/she desires – and then use all that dirty money to buy-off politicians, regulators, and entire governments. Buying politicians is “good business” (assuming that one has no scruples) because these stooges-for-hire are notoriously cheap. Spend $100’s of thousands (or perhaps a few $millions) buying-off politicians, and it can yield countless $billions in (generally illegal) profits. Put another way; “investing” in governments (i.e. buying them off) pays much better than investing in markets. The result of this obsession of the Old World Order with attempting to maintain control of the printing press for the global economy has been several pathetic attempts to cobble together some (corrupt) replacement paper for the USD. First we had “the Amero”. The the Special drawing rights of the world bank was another. Lesser, and even sillier schemes have been put forth by the bankers and their minions, but none of them ever achieved enough significance to merit mention. Meanwhile in the Rest of the World (i.e. its less-corrupt regimes) there has been a steady, inexorable move toward at least a quasi-legitimate replacement for the USD: China’s renminbi. The reason why this movement has gained more and more political traction (and economic momentum) is because this actually makes sense. Even the corrupt Western bloc has reluctantly acknowledged that China is on an inevitable march toward becoming the world’s largest economy. This satisfies the primary prerequisite for any issuer of a “reserve currency”: sufficient economic mass. Equally important, China is a (rapidly) rising economic power – meaning that it can be expected to generate sufficient future growth to grow with the global economy, and thus maintain sufficient mass to be able to manage/operate a reserve currency (without quickly self-destructing). Conversely, one of the reasons why the USD is dying is that (putting aside the phony statistics of the “U.S. recovery”) the U.S. economy is relentlessly shrinking. Not only is there zero prospect of sufficient growth within the U.S. economy to maintain sufficient economic mass to manage the reserve currency, but the only way it has been able to currently ward-off complete implosion of its economy (and the USD itself) is through exponentially increasing its already-massive national debt. The U.S. economy is now so insanely over-leveraged with debt that the only way it can prevent the immediate collapse of the entire economy is to fraudulently (and permanently) maintain interest rates at near-zero levels – thus minimizing interest payments on this gargantuan debt. Meanwhile, the One Bank has relentlessly schemed to bury the entire Western bloc in massive debts, so large that they can never be repaid. This is all part of Debt Slavery, one of the ultimate goals of this Old World Order. With all these regimes so overloaded with debt that they could be plunged into bankruptcy with nothing more than a mouse-click from these banksters; Western governments are now absolutely subservient to the One Bank. But such “success” comes with a price. Having plundered, sabotaged, and indebted Western nations to such an extent that they are little more than hollowed-out, debt-saturated economic shells; these bankrupted regimes cannot possibly control-and-operate a (viable) reserve currency. Now, apparently, even the One Bank has accepted this dreaded truth. As first reported by (ironically) the Wall Street Journal; a recent, official announcement from the UK government not only clearly signals the death of the USD, but also acknowledges and embraces its successor: China’s renminbi. This was quickly echoed by a release from China’s official news agency: LONDON, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) – British Chancellor of the Exchequer announced Friday that the British government intend [sic] to issue a Renminbi denominated bond and to use the proceeds to finance the government’s reserves of foreign currency. Several, extremely important observations flow from that one, short paragraph. Firstly, by issuing “a Renminbi denominated bond”, and using it to “finance the government’s reserves of foreign currency”, this is a simple and direct move away from the USD (and even its own currency, the pound). Every dollar’s worth of renminbi-denominated debt is one less dollar the UK government will have/hold/use, and one more dollar added to the gigantic global glut of this worthless paper. We have already seen $trillions in global commerce shifted out of USD’s and into renminbi – but this has primarily been the result of “currency swaps” and bilateral trade agreements, initiated by China. Here we see a unilateral act, initiated at the very heart of Western banking, which clearly acknowledges the emerging superiority of the renminbi – and the USD’s relentless descent into complete obsolescence. But this move signifies much more than this: it indicates the future strategy of the One Bank as it attempts to maintain control over the global economy, even as economic (and thus political) power clearly shifts from West to East. What friends you must understand with this announcement (and strategy) from the UK government is that by “issuing” renminbi-denominated debt, the UK government is effectively “printing” its own renminbi. In fact, and for many decades, the vast majority of “money printing” – not just in the West, but around the world – comes via governments (or private banks) issuing new debt. This is all part of the insanity (and fraud) of “fractional reserve banking”. Any financial institution/entity capable of legally/officially “issuing debt” does so almost entirely by conjuring new currency out of thin air, backed by nothing, worth nothing. By shifting their debt-creation from being denominated in USD’s to being denominated in renminbi; instead of Western governments and banks creating (and using) more and more USD’s (as their debts mount), they will now start creating massive quantities of renminbi – trillions of currency units outside the jurisdiction (and thus direct control) of China’s government. However, before readers immediately jump to the conclusion that the One Bank will be able to quickly and easily achieve control over China’s currency (and thus control over China, itself); it must be understood that there is a gigantic “catch” to this new-and-latest scheme by the banking cabal to try to maintain control over the global economy. In order to shift enough of the West’s debt-burden from dollars to renminbi (as the One Bank attempts to gain indirect control over that currency); this requires massive quantities of renminbi-denominated debt. This directly means a massive reduction in demand for USD’s – and an extremely visible collapse in demand. Simply, there is no way for the Western banking cabal to quickly shift their own currency holdings from dollars to renminbi without utterly destroying the USD, and thus rendering all paper denominated in dollars worthless. With the U.S. dollar, U.S. Treasuries market, and the entire U.S. economy being nothing but a ridiculously unstable Ponzi-scheme, any rapid/significant moves away from the USD would instantly sap investor “confidence” in the USD. All financial “cons” rely upon maintaining confidence within the population of Chumps who are being scammed. Once confidence is lost, the fraud quickly unravels. The only way for these lying, cheating bankers to maintain confidence in the already-worthless dollar is by maintaining their own massive holdings in this fraud-currency. The One Bank did not choose its new strategy. Rather, it has simply been left with no other options. Thus it attempts an impossible financial pivot from dollars into renminbi. If it moves too quickly, it torpedoes its own dollar-denominated financial empire. If it moves too slowly, its scheme will be entirely ineffectual. And unlike the Goldilocks fable; there is no way to perpetrate this switch at a speed which is “just right”.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:15:05 +0000

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