“The back is still important in back pain”? Radical idea! For - TopicsExpress


“The back is still important in back pain”? Radical idea! For several years now, it’s been progressive — maybe almost fashionable — for back pain educators (like me) to trash talk magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool for finding the causes of back pain. (Because it has a really poor track record. Which is the most thoroughly referenced point made anywhere on SaveYourself.ca. And that’s really saying something!) However, just because we can’t seem to reliably find smoking gun causes of back pain with modern imaging technology does not mean it isn’t there. Physical therapist and researcher Tony Ingram makes this important point in a short, clear, evidence-based opinion piece, “The back is still important in back pain.” And I’ve added a reference to it to my back pain book, of course. ~ Paul Ingraham, SaveYourself.ca The article: medbridgeeducation/blog/tony-ingram-lbp-imaging/ My book: SaveYourself.ca/lbp This post on SaveYourself.ca: saveyourself.ca/microblog/back-is-still-important-in-back-pain.html
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 16:57:14 +0000

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