The capitalist mindset, the paradigm that virtually all of us live - TopicsExpress


The capitalist mindset, the paradigm that virtually all of us live in and have to work around creates the current world the way it is and is brain-washing others around the planet turning them into copies of the west as we continue to ravage other countries and install what we like to call democracy which isnt what it says on the tin at all. What we have is a system that allows a few to rule the masses, a few to make the decisions that we all have to live with, it creates a world where people actually feel that their safety and security comes from money instead of where our true security and safety comes from in life... PEOPLE The rich who have 20 million in the bank all say that they dont feel they have ENOUGH to feel secure in their life. This is a bad joke and one that allows the majority of people to be oppressed, to serve the needs of those few, to send all the resources in the form of money up the chain to the top of a sickening pyramid where the rich have whatever they like and everyone has to live under the rule of law, but where businesses dont pay taxes... This has to come to an end, because it along with all the other past, failed systems means the natural world, the very thing that gave us and gives us life is ruined. Eco-systems are damaged, are under threat of collapse not because of the number of people but because businesses are seen as more important, have more power than the people do and so it will change and is doing so now even if you cant see it. There is hope, there is positive news out there, we just get the bad news because it allows the people in charge to ignore the issues that they dont want to have to take care of, they dont want to have to take responsibility for them, cos they would fail. They dont have solutions for the issues that are presenting themselves with more and more urgency because they represent the very system that created them. Governments dont want to admit where they are going wrong because they are stuck, forged together with the very business ethic and businesses themselves that are rapidly curtailing natures efforts to repair itself and they are unsustainable. A sustainable future, where food isnt wasted, where nothing is wasted, where the products we require to live are made to last rather than wear out, where the world itself is seen as the priority and we as merely visitors, temporary stewards is coming, because it HAS to or else, or else we are living on borrowed time. How to end on a positive note? When the shit hits the fan what will save you? Will it be your huge estate, your servants, drivers, huge bank balances? NO of course not, what persists are people, communities, in balance. Those are the human beings that will be our descendants not them. Its us who will survive into the future, the people in harmony. In harmony with each other, with nature, with the planet.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:45:31 +0000

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