The formal programming languages were born approximately 50 years - TopicsExpress


The formal programming languages were born approximately 50 years ago, from its history there have been great changes that we invite you to the next post. Charles Babbage, known as the Father of computers designed a fully mechanical machine capable of performing any mathematical calculation: the Analytical Engine. Ada Lovelace was the first person who was interested in non-existent Babbage machine and developed an algorithm that can be used in it. Hence Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer in history. The formal programming languages were born in the 50s, a period that also born founder and bassist of Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris. Some of these programming languages have been forgotten, but some, as evidenced by this infographic, have managed to outsmart the weather and can keep giving, becoming a favorite among some little people I know. History of programming languages: 1957-1959 Fortran (Formula Translation) LISP (List Processor) COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) These are considered as the oldest languages that are used today. They are high-level programming languages that were created by scientists, mathematicians and business computing. Main applications: Applications for supercomputers, development of Artificial Intelligence, enterprise software. Used by: NASA, credit cards and ATMs. Fun fact: In the action film, The Terminator sample COBOL source code for the texts shown on the display of Terminator were used. 1970 Pascal (named in honor of the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal): It is a high-level language used for teaching structured programming and data structuring. Commercial versions of Pascal were widely used in the 80’s. Creator: Niklaus Wirth Main uses: Teaching programming. Pascal Objet, a derivative, is commonly used for developing Windows applications. Used by: Apple Lisa (1983) and Skype. 1972 C (based on an earlier program called “B”): It is a general purpose low-level language created by Unix Systems. It is the most popular language (preceded by Java). From this many programming languages such as C #, Python, Java, Javascript, Perl, PHP and stem are developed. Creator: Dennis Ritchie (Bell Labs) Main uses: cross-platform programming, systems programming, Unix programming and game development. Used by: Unix, first servers and clients from the WWW. 1983 C ++: It is an object-oriented Intermediate language. Creator: Bjarne Stroustrup (Bell Labs) Main uses: Development of commercial applications, embedded software, client-server applications in video games. Used by: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer Adobe and Google Chrome. Objective-C (Object-oriented extension of “C”): It ia a general purpose high level language. Creator: Brad Cox and Tom Love (Stepstone) Main uses: Programming Apple. Used by: Apple OS X and iOS operating systems. 1987 Perl (“Pearl” was already taken): Perl is general purpose high level language that is created for the processing of reports in Unix systems. Today it is known for its high power and versatility. Creator: Larry Wall (Unisys) Main uses: computer, database applications, system administration, web programming and graphics programming generated images. Used by: Ticketmaster, IMDb, Priceline, Amazon. 1991 Python: It is high level General purpose language. Created to support a variety of programming styles in a fun way. Many tutorials, sample code and instructions often contain references to Monty Python. Creator: Guido Van Rossum (CWI). Main uses: Web Applications, software development, computer security. Used by: Google, Yahoo, Spotify. 1993 Ruby (Zodiac Stone one of the creators): It is also High level General purpose language. Ruby is a teaching program, influenced by Perl, Ada, Lisp, Smalltalk, and others that is designed to make programming more productive and enjoyable. Creator: Yukihiro Matsumoto. Main uses: Web application development, Ruby on Rails. Used by: Twitter, Hulu, Groupon. 1995 Java: Again a General purpose high level language that had made a project for interactive television. It is currently the second most popular programming language in the world. Creator: James Gosling (Sun Microsystems) Main uses: Web Programming, Web development, software development, development of GUI applications. Used by: Android OS / Apps. PHP (Formally: “Personal Home Page” is now “Hypertext Pre-processor”): PHP is an open source general purpose language. It is used to build dynamic web pages. More widely used in software code open for business. Creator: Rasmus Lerdorf Main uses: Construction and maintenance of dynamic web pages, server side development. Used by: Joomla, Facebook, Wikipedia, WordPress and Digg. Javascript (Last choice after “Mocha” and “LiveScript”): Java is again a high-level language created to extend the functionality of the web pages. It is used by dynamic pages for shipping and form validation, activity monitoring, interactivity, animation, user etc. Creator: Brendan Eich (Netscape) Principal Uses: Developing Dynamic Web, PDF documents, web browsers and desktop widgets. Used by: Gmail, Adobe Photoshop, Mozilla Firefox. The post Brief history of programming languages commonly used appeared first on FreakSense.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:42:30 +0000

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