The highly successful Lifestyle Intervention with Natural Remedy & - TopicsExpress


The highly successful Lifestyle Intervention with Natural Remedy & Gospel Fest began on Saba on Sunday November 2, 2014. These series of health and gospel presentations are organized by the Health and Personal Ministries of the North Caribbean Conference together with the district pastor, Virgil Sams. The meetings are sponsored by the Inter-American Division of SDA. The nightly meetings have attracted a diverse audience of interested individuals including the general public, Medical School Students and professionals. The series has the dual aims of opening up areas of concern in health care and to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The lectures are held in the evenings, running from November 2nd to 15th and is held under the white tent at the Juliana Sports Field. These series of meetings came about by a recent initiative of the Inter-American Division to evangelize un-entered territory within the Division. Saba is one of the territories that has been chosen. The nightly meetings are divided in two phase, health presentations and gospel presentations. Dr. Ervin Davis, president of Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Global Initiation starts with lecture presentations on how to prevent lifestyle induced diseases such as Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Respiratory Diseases, Cancer Etc. He shares reliable scientifically proven Lifestyle intervention with Natural Remedy Therapies that prevent and reverse common diseases. Dr. Henry Peters ends the nightly services with evangelistic presentations where appeals are being made for individuals to accept Jesus Christ. Thus far two young ladies have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and were baptized. Plans are already in place for another baptism on Sabbath the 15th.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:56:00 +0000

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