The kingdom of God must be our focus in 2015! The kingdom of God - TopicsExpress


The kingdom of God must be our focus in 2015! The kingdom of God is coming forth to destroy what religion and man-made tradition has done to the church! Now shall The Lord call forth His army of soldiers in the Kingdom of God to rise, speak boldly, move in supernatural favor and faith, conquer, possess by force, and walk in kingdom dominion power! The power of His kingdom shall fall upon His Sons in the Kingdom of God! I hear God saying, Get ready for the greater works, miracles, manifestations as we have never experienced! The glory of The Lord is being restored unto His church who has His kingdom in view! We who seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness shall be in the right position to receive all that is ours in the Kingdom of God!!! Glory!!! God blessed Jesus, His Son with the greater reward because He kept the kingdom of God in view! No matter what tried to distract him or turn him away from His assignment, His business in doing the will of His Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus was steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the works of God! Jesus is our example to be about our Fathers business this year! Do what God has commissioned and ordained us to do in 2015! No more delays! No more excuses! I hear God saying that when we do His kingdom business, we shall not lack any good thing! Nothing shall be withheld from us who puts Jesus Christ first! The blessings and promises of God are connected to our obedience in doing the Fathers kingdom business! We will be given instructions in prayer and for many of us, we will have to do what is not comfortable to our traditions, beliefs, and emotions, but The Lord says its time and nothing shall delay Him anymore!!! When we keep the kingdom of God in our view as Jesus did when He labored in the gospel, we cant lose and God will always have our backs! Get ready to be challenged and threatened by demonic forces and institutions who will demand that we stop preaching and teaching Jesus and the kingdom of God! Get ready to give up our freedom and comforts to do our Fathers business in the kingdom of God! The kingdom of God is here! Each of us have work to do! We can not allow this year to pass us by and not fulfill His kingdom mandates and assignment given to us by God! Put on the whole armor of God! Gird up the loins of our mind with His Word that is kingdom written in words! We must always fill our vessels with His kingdom and not this world! If we try to save our lives, we shall lose it, but if we lose our lives for the Kingdom of God it shall not be in vain, but we shall be saved!!! The kingdom of God is our focus, our purpose, our vision, our provision! It is what we have been called to multiply, produce fruit unto it, and enlarge with the kingdom of Gods gospel and gifts! Its not about us! Our titles have no meaning if our works and lifestyle dont line up with the Kingdom of God and its vision and purpose! God is going to shut down many titles and ministries because they have puffed up positions and gifts giving honor to these things more than God!!! They must tell everyone their position and title but who is being drawn to Jesus Christ! Jesus said that if He be lifted up, He will draw all men! God is tired of glory robbers and thieves using their gifts and titles to manipulate, bully, and receive praise of flesh that is all due to Him! Their ministry will not last and the scales on the eyes of those blind and sleep shall fall off so that the King will expose these thieves! They get pleasures and glory out of reminding ppl what they have done and what they spoke that came to pass, but all glory, Kingdom glory belongs to God! We have done nothing, but God did it all! The kingdom of God shall dominate the earth and shall fall upon many in the marketplaces and streets that they be filled with His Holy Ghost power!!! The kingdom of God has declared war against all hypocrisy in and outside of the religious and traditional church! The kingdom of God shall be left standing!!! Hallelujah!!! The kingdom of God shall set the order, tone, and flow of the churches who will think and walk in the Kingdom of God! For those who refuse to change from world to kingdom, they shall miss their inheritance and abort their promises! Obedience to the God in this new year will determine our citizenship status in the kingdom of God! It is better that we abide by His kingdom principles than to fight against them! For we can not win against His kingdom, the Kingdom of God! Set our affections on things above, the kingdom of God, and not this world and things of this world! The kingdom of God awaits for us to step in and do what we have been given access and authority to do!!! My God!!! Jesus reigns forever and ever!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:13:03 +0000

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