The place of worship should be Spiritual. The message preached - TopicsExpress


The place of worship should be Spiritual. The message preached should be Spiritual. The praise and worship service should be Spiritual. The praising and worshiping should be Spiritual. Theres a growing movement which is prevalent in the houses of worship that is carnal in nature and it has literally taken the church community by storm. It resembles true worship but has no Spirituality existing therein. I refer to it as emotional worship. The dangers of this style of worship is that it does nothing to feed the Spirit what it needs to grow in the Lord and become a branch on His Vine. Instead, it feeds the emotional needs of that particular moment in time. I see this sweeping across the globe and spreading like wildfire. It isnt ironic that it spreads by the same fire that fuels it: hell...and is truly damnable, to say the least. People might ask, well, whats the problem? Ill gladly tell you the problem. For one thing: •Emotional worship produces emotional salvation. What is emotional salvation? Thats when ones confession in Christ isnt based upon faith, but is based upon how that person feels at the moment. I have observed how some of the same people come up week after week to receive the Lord or to answer the altar call after there has been a really great response to praise and worship or to the sermon that was preached. And week after week they allow their emotions to lead them to seek the Lord rather than seeking the Lord Spiritually. Its like fans at a ballgame when their team scores or wins. Understand that salvation cannot be physical, mental nor has to be Spiritual. Salvation is not designed to keep your body, your thoughts nor your feelings from entering into eternal damnation; its sole purpose is to provide your soul with eternal life and to reunite you with God, the Father. Therefore, when a person goes up to accept an altar call or go up to dedicate their life to the Lord, and the only thing thats driving them to do so are their emotions, then that person would not have approached the Grace of God in faith, but rather, in guilt, shame, excitement and other such emotions. Are you still not connecting the dots as to what Im trying to convey? Well, heres another thing to consider: we know that emotions are subject to change at a moments notice. I.E. If I begin completely on fire for the Lord one day and several minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years down the road that fire has died completely out and has iced over, this would be a strong indication that I were merely emotionally influenced by the idea of the Gospel for a while, yet I never would have truly become intimately involved with the Gospel itself. See, emotions fade, but the Spirit is everlasting. On an emotional charge, it felt good while it lasted. But like wine, it would eventually wear off. Ephesians 5 teaches us: 15 So be careful to live your life wisely, not foolishly. 16 Take advantage of every opportunity because these are evil times. 17 Because of this, don’t be ignorant, but understand the Lord’s will. 18 Don’t get drunk on wine, which produces depravity. Instead, be filled with the Spirit in the following ways: 19 speak to each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; sing and make music to the Lord in your hearts; 20 always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 and submit to each other out of respect for Christ. Do not be drunk on emotional worship (wine, etc,) but be filled with the Holy Spirit (worshiping in Spirit). Theres only one kind of salvation: Spiritual. And theres only one way to approach it: Spiritually. As theres only One Who seals it: the Holy Spirit. Salvation by any other means is simply not salvation. The belief and motive have to be purely Spiritual. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:19:20 +0000

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