The third place visited was Lincoln, New Mexico. This is the town - TopicsExpress


The third place visited was Lincoln, New Mexico. This is the town that the Lincoln County War occurred in. This is the town that Billy the Kid became infamous in. Many of the towns buildings remain from that time. I did not take many photos here, but the visit to this town is very interesting. As you walk down the main street....the only this town you are taken back in time 130 years. Very little has changed since then. The main road is no longer a dirt road...that is about it. The entire town has been declared an historical site. We got to this town late in the day, very close to the closing of the museum....most of the town is the museum. So, I only took a few photos. The stage coach is about 1/6 scale....GI Joe sized...hmm....perfect for Cowboy Joe. The deer was not very concerned with our presence. it kept eating while we approached. We ended up about 10 yards from the deer before it decided we were close enough and moved away. The deer was still not concerned, only moving about 20 yards from the road. The round building is a small fort from the Spanish colonial days and was used to protect settlers from Indian attacks. I will have to go back to Lincoln and take more photos in the future.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:28:54 +0000

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