The time has come for me to take a clear stand on an issue and - TopicsExpress


The time has come for me to take a clear stand on an issue and voice my position so that there is no ambiguity remaining on the matter. For many professional, ethical and social reasons, the Owner/Lessor of the former Salsa Caliente Art Center, currently Learn How 2 Dance (Mining Dr. Jacksonville, FL) is no longer welcome at my place of business nor even in my presence. This was my original position the day I opened the doors. However, I compromised because I truly wanted to help unite a community and exclude none from events at my place of business. As a result of that well-intended but ill-fated act of faith, I exposed my students, staff and myself to a cancerous source of negativity and strife. This is where that ends. I have had enough! That said, I will no longer allow myself to be manipulated using my love for dance and my passion to share this art amongst my community. Please sir, do not test my resolve on this matter. I am appalled by the numerous confirmed accounts of unprofessional and abhorrent behavior that has prompted people to flee our community or lump us all in together. No more!! The line is clearly drawn and after five years, I am once and for all disassociating myself from anything whatsoever to do with the former Salsa Caliente/Learn How 2 Dance owner. I have witnessed and been victim to unethical practices and probably should have learned from those experiences. However, seeking the best in every situation and person, I tried to accommodate the developing situation in a way that benefited the entire community. Now I see the best way to build my community is to do what I must to preserve the environment and culture that the team and students worked so hard to foster at Tumbao as well as the other studios in Jacksonville. I will honor their efforts and protect what is most valuable to my students and friends - that sense of trust, community and learning. I hold myself to a standard that demands intolerance against any abuse of position and influence by leadership within my community. I am grateful for the friends, family, co-workers, and of course students who hold me accountable to a high standard of ethical and professional conduct. I am not perfect but I believe I will not let you all down. There is a standard to uphold and I wholeheartedly commit to it. I am utterly disgusted with the act and ability to hide behind a guise of unifying community in order to promote a personal agenda - one rife with shameless seemingly predatory and selfish opportunistic behavior. I am ablaze with indignation for those who have been hurt, disappointed and taken advantage of because of their desire to be a part of the art community. However, I will take this final insult to injury as a call to action. It doesn’t seem a popular thing to do these days but for those of you who know the truth and will stand with me to create a culture of accountability that promotes learning, sharing, acceptance and upholds standards of ethical and professional conduct in the community please, feel free to share your thoughts. For those of you who genuinely want to seek the truth for the sake of understanding, you won’t have to look far for a reliable source of verification. For those of you who would disapprove, chastise or privately message me to give your opinion or seek gossip regarding my stand, don’t waste your time. Be forewarned, I am not seeking your approval nor appreciation. Those of you who know me, know my character and nature, I ask that you trust in this and have faith in me and my team. Understand that I have witnessed enough damage due to his lack of accountability and possibly unknowingly facilitated hurt to a community that I have struggled to help build. I am fed up but I need your help to effect the change that we all deserve.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:56:55 +0000

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