The tragic terrorist attacks in the city of Paris last week and - TopicsExpress


The tragic terrorist attacks in the city of Paris last week and the subsequent developments have shown to every discerning mind, the unprecedented level of HYPOCRISY and the DOUBLE STANDARD ATTITUDES of the Political Leaders, most especially those from the Western world. Let me emphatically state here that, I personally condemned this senseless, horrific, and savagery attacks on the innocent and defenseless people irrespective of their colour, creed, religion, or tribe. Those who carried out this gruelling act represent noone, and they speak for noone, except for those unscrupulous elements who gained in the sufferings of innocent people. Again, I have no problem with people demonstrating to show their hate for the act of terrorism in whatever form. But what I found so ridiculous and disgusting is for the politicians to use this type of incident to play on peoples intelligence and emotions, and for them to use such incident to achieve cheap political objectives. The so called Solidarity March by the World Leaders in support of the victims of the savagery terrorist attacks yesterday, was nothing but a height of Hypocrisy. And It is not going to achieve any positive goal, but rather it is going to intensify the mistrust, the suspicion, and the hatred of many people most especially in the Middle East and in the Arab Countries for the western world. By showing this type of hypocritical support, the western leaders are only playing into the hands of the terrorist groups, because the people who are really suffering the brunt of terrorism would be thinking that the lives of their own victims of terrorist attacks are worthless and are of no value. A critical study and analysis of the attitudes of the western leaders and the western media on previous terrorist attacks in some other countries will show the fact that they only care about the lives of their own citizens. There have been horrific acts of terrorism in some countries before which are on a larger scale than what was experinced in France last week, but which did not generate any serious condemnations, talkless of solidarity march. A few days prior to the Paris incident, over 200 innocent Nigerian citizens were massacred by the Boko Haram terrorist group. Nothing was heard from the Western leaders, and the media hardly mentioned it. In 2004, over 300 lives were wasted by a terrorist group which attacked a school in Beslan, in Russia north Ossetia. From this deadly terrorist attack, over 186 school children were among the victims. This large scale of terrorist attack did not generate any solidarity march of the scale seen in France yesterday. In 2011, Anders Behrine Breivik massacred over 77 innocent people in a deadly terrorist attacks, and over 300 innocent people were fatally injured, and no solidarity march was seen. In Libya, in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Ukraine, and many other countries, tens of thousands of innocent lives have been lost to terrorist attacks, and are still being lost on daily basis to terrorist attacks. But all these lose of innocent lives, women, children, and men have never generated any solidarity of the scale seen in Paris yesterday. But anytime there is a little strike in some countries in Europe, it would be taken as if the whole world has collapsed. All the western media would not have other news to report again. Does this mean the lives of the lives of these people are more important than the lives of other terrorist attacks victims? And if the truth must be said without being biased or sentimental, the western world and the US are the ones who are spreading the act of extremism and terrorism all over the globe. They are doing this under the guise of spreading Democrazy, but the real motive is to effect a regime change in most of these countries. In Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, Ukraine and some other countries, there was nothing like terroriststate in these countries before the West and the US intervened in the domestic affairs. Looking at the clips of the gory incident in Paris last week, the way the perpetrators carried out the attacks, the type of assault rifle used, the confidence and calmness the attackers exhibited, any discerning mind would agree that they were well trained in military engagement. One should not be surprised to see this type of incident happening because when the western governments are allowing their citizens to travel abroad and fight along side known terrorist groups, just because they wanted a regime change in those countries, they should know that the monsters they created will definitely come to hunt them. They are the ones who organised, trained, equipped and financed these people just because they wanted to see the end of some governments who would not accept their hegemony over them. Definitely, when these monsters have completed their assignments or are bored of it, they must definitely return to base. The consequences of their return is what is happening now. But the politicians being what they are, are only using the tactics to divert attention from their systematic failures. And fortunately for them, the too emotional masses are always fall for their tricks. In as much as the politicians continue to expand their obnoxious and double standard foreign policies all over the globe, the type of the gory incident seen in Paris last week will not seize to happen. We the masses on the other hand, must be ready to speak against the double standard attitudes of our governments, and we must not allow them to play on our emotions for their own political objectives and gains. Martin Luther King in his words said, Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:05:11 +0000

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