Theme: “CREATING THE RIGHTFUL SPIRITUAL ATMOSPHERE” By: Pastor Sam Tarr. Myers, Jr. Ray of Light Ministries Inc Liberia West Africa Date: Sunday 16th June, 2013 Audience: Ray of Light members and worship center Text: 2 Kings 5:3 “ …. If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria, for he would heal him of his leprosy”. We do not know the girl’s name or much about her background, but destiny placed her there to become Naaman’s anchor of hope towards a better end! The text clearly omitted the autobiography of this Jewish girl in that it did not mention her name precisely but her brief words of exhortation shot up faith in the heart of an unbelieving Assyrian General who would have died with his sickness but rather acted on faith to seek solution from the help of Israel God. God uniquely places that little girl there for a purpose and Naaman was very wise to take advantage of it the moment the opportunity came. Everybody cannot be relevant to your God’s given purpose and destiny in life. God will bring people within your reach to accomplish certain covenant assignments He has deposited and aligned in your life. So, it is very vital that we exercise care in the selection of people we allow to influence our decision in regards to our God’s given visions and prospects in life. Every man needs a man to be complete. For instance, the man who was sick for thirty years had his camp bed beside the pool of Bethesda complained about the reality of not having anybody to push him into the water for healing. Jesus did not however refute that statement but rather presented Himself as the somebody to remedy the problem. It takes spiritual sensitivity to recognize and identify certain covenant personalities who God has positioned to be a destiny tool for your lifting and fulfillment. It takes spiritual insights to identify those men and women around you who God has anointed and designated for your raising. Like Jacob who rose up from his sleep and discovered that God was at the place he slept, we ourselves need to rise up from our sleep of spiritual dullness and slumber otherwise, we will miss on God! God is no respecter of persons. He uses anybody and anything to work out His divine plans in our lives. Do not overlook anybody God brings in your life. Great destinies usually begin from uninterested places, things men despise and reject are those tools God can find worthy to bring about His glory. Africa, though rich with natural resources and yet known as one of the poorest places in the world, but God still found it expedient in His creation process that the Savior of the world would be born there. Jesus was born in the merger but it from that unpleasant merger that He came out to save the entire world. Though I am your Pastor who does not has a car to ride, fitting clothes like other ministers do to wears to church and social gathering, and is still walking by line to come and witness to you, it still pleases God to call me out as your Pastor and serve you through the Ray of Light Ministries Inc. The girl in Naaman’s case story was described as small but it was out of her little advice and possibly the best counsel that Naaman ever receives that a lasting miracle was encountered in Naaman’s whole life. God used her little words to perform a great miracle. In all of Naaman’s battles and conquests as a renowned soldier, his great virtue was his sensitivity over the divine position of that little ordinary Israeli girl. God will use unlikely and unpleasant people in your life to do extra-ordinary things. Leprosy like AIDS in our society today would have clank on and become an everlasting stigma in Naaman’s lineage if he had despised that little girl’s advice and wisdom. You may not like those who tell you the truth but they are divine aligners God have positioned to help you fulfill your divine goal. Now, be careful to distinguish between positive criticizers and that of negative criticizers. Unlike negative criticizers whose intended objective and plan is to see the ugly and worst out of your good, positive criticizers will always point you out to the good and help you realize how best to accomplish and achieve your targeted goals. In some cases, negative criticizers are not always bad people. Because God can use the worst to bring out the best. Some people who appear to be your critics can sometimes be used by God to check your divine excess baggage. It was the continuous negative criticism of Hannah’s rival, Peninah, the created the sense of wholeness in Hannah mind to seek her Creator. Otherwise, we learned of Hannah that she always goes to Shiloh. Her persistence for her miracle of Samuel was birthed through the continuous provocative statements of her rival Peninah. Many at times, your greatest enemy are not those who criticize you but those who flatter you in your presence and kill you behind. In Africa, we called them “White teeth black heart”. When you have such people around you, you are in a negative and wrong environment and atmosphere. Your only course of action in such situations is to only disengage as quickly as possible! Caution! Don’t keep up relationship with anyone who is afraid to see you become better than himself. Jesus clearly told his followers (disciples) that “Greater things than these things which I have done will you also do”. A good coach will always be excited to see his student improve. There are some men and women in the teaching field who never obtained certain degrees but taught men and women who graduated from colleges and universities with great honors. You may say but how can I identify those who do not support me and want to see God purpose manifest in my life? You can know and spot them by the way they decry the work of God in your life. Such personality is never your friend that competes with you. As it is seen in the field of sport and soccer, it is always the opponent who always competes against the other team rivaling to see him down and knock out. Your team mate on the same side will always want to see you win. One of the good signs of true friendship is that, a good friend will always rejoice at your raising not criticize it. A real friend is never challenged by your success. What many called challenged is what usually leads to envy and slanderous remarks. If somebody is sincerely challenged from a negative point of view, it shows up from his attitude and remarks. A positive challenge instead of a negative criticism will also make you humble yourself to ask questions of how you too can make it. Note this: The grace you envy, will avoid you. Elisha admired and respected the gift of Elijah that is the reason why, heaven has not option, but has to back and grant Elisha his request when the whirlwind swept Elijah away. Had Elisha said anything negative about Elijah gift, he would have missed it. Another classical example again was when the angel of the Lord visited Mary, the Mother of Jesus to bear the good news of being exalted to become the mother of our Savior. Two major messages were posed unto her when she seemed to be confused about being pregnant while she was still a virgin. The first things was that, the angel told her that it was through the power of the Holy Spirit that she was going to receive conception. Secondly, she was informed that her cousin Elizabeth had been pregnant also for the past six months. As the angel immediately left her, Mary the Mother of our Lord Jesus was moved by the Holy Ghost to visit her cousin Elizabeth. The reason for her visit was because God knew that Elizabeth will constitute the right atmosphere suitable for the great seed (vision, calling, or if you like, a project) that Mary was divinely carrying in her womb. In a nutshell, the angel wanted Mary to change her spiritual position to create the rightful atmospheric environment suited for God’s vision on her inside to save mankind. Be careful how you treat men and women whose God’s hand is upon! God will not take it likely! Be careful. Some people around you who constitute your negative spiritual environment can be inimical to the great vision, calling, dream and passion you are carrying in your spiritual womb. Of course geography is important to your destiny. Where you are, determine the kind of people around you. No matter how rich the place maybe, in this regard, does not matter. What is important is whether you are celebrated there, is what counts. Do you know why people who sit in quiet environment normally do great things? Because quiet places generate reflections and inspirations. It is easy to check on God mostly in quiet and isolated places. That was one of David’s secrets. He spends time with the Lord! So, it is vital to note that it is essential to be at a place where you will be appreciated than to be in a place where you will be tolerated. God is majorly the one who determines our locations. When Elijah’s brook of cherith got dried, God did not restore water to the empty brook but He rather commanded a change of location. This is clearly seen even by Jesus when He commanded his disciples saying, “Let us get on the other side”. Why the other side? Because where you are, constitute the atmospheric condition under which you operate. Now, look at what happened when Mary obeyed the heavenly instruction by disengaging from where she where to where the Holy Ghost directed: “ And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the Baby leaped in her womb for joy”. See Luke 1:41. Elizabeth would have chosen to envy her little cousin whose son would have been greater than her own son. Instead, we found Elizabeth filled with joy to see the mother of her Savior in her house. Simply put this, those who rejoice at your raising and lifting in life, are those who constitute the rightful spiritual and physical battles you need to win. Don’t overlook this. I normally watch people through the eye of the glass when they are lukewarm and cold towards God’s plan for my life. If you want to know if someone supports what you do, look at their responses and actions. Sometimes you will see the expression written on their faces and sometimes, it will show up in their tones. The King in Nehemiah’s days was suspicious of Nehemiah’s outlook, though, in a positive sense. Why did he notice Nehemiah sad appearance in the first place? Because literately speaking, Nehemiah facial look was probably no longer attractive to what the King knew him to be. It takes maturity in the things of God to have this kind of great divine discernment. Most people will never support you as long as it is not in their views of the vision and project you have. But the Bible clearly said, we are to be our brothers’ keeper and we should rejoice with those that rejoice and mourn with them that mourn”. Have you envy people who God has singled out for special blessings? You have to realize that God blesses His people best in ways suited for His divine purpose. Your rejoicing with such people in their joy will also set you up in your own lifting. Look up for your Elizabeth. Only God can show you, your true friend. Naaman was very fortunate to have that little Israeli girl who made him to develop a rightful sense of value in God healing power. It was the counsel of that Israeli slave that also brought her to the King of Assyria. What will reveal you to the world is not doing too many things or having too many friends, but waiting on God’s time and focusing on what He has called you out to do. When you miss your purpose in life, you become pebble. Great events don’t create great people; it is a purposeful action that makes great people. You will never leave where you are, until you decide with conscious determination, where you want to be in the affairs of life. Life is a journey, and it takes determination to make the best out of it. Prayer point: Oh Lord, please help me to always present your word the way it suppose to be. Give me divine insights to see beyond the nature senses and mind to articulate in human sense and term Your word. Give me divine anointing to clearly verbalize Your word with simplicity that air Your divine inscription behind Your word that even the illiterate and the literate in our midst can understand what is the calling of Your divine glory.. in Jesus name amen!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:21:10 +0000

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