There are few things that will ruffle this birds - TopicsExpress


There are few things that will ruffle this birds feathers..typically it will have to pertain to my boys for that to happen. While I was shopping with my Noey this week a woman commented how pretty she was :) I thanked her and kindly corrected her and said this is my lil guy Noah :) her response.. he just appeared so girly with his hair..those of you who know me well enough know it took restraint and the power of jesus, literaly the power of jesus to turn my lil red buggy and walk in the other direction and not open my mouth. But heres what I would like to say. .. Women...Why? And when? did we find it acceptable to make comments like this to other parents? To complete strangers. I am a single mother and have been thank you VERY much for 21 years of 2 amazing human beings who happen to be boys. One who happens to be a very fine young man who even though was raised by a woman alone is a stupendous human less girly or manly than the next..heres the thing people. I do not want to raise my children this way this is what I want. I WANT my boys to love...I want them to be selfless..I want them to have servants hearts and to love humankind and their planet. I WANT them to have this character because they modeled it after their savior and because they saw it in their moms heart because their mom loves the Lord...Stereotypes suck! Noah will be no less manly because at 2 I loved his curls but ya know what if the kid has more swag than me than so be it lady I love him anyway. I will also tell you I am 54 and I can land my knucles across the bridge of any nose in just the right spot to break it or have you on your back in 2 seconds flat with my boot heel on your larynx because my daddy believed I should be able to protect myself and I CAN do it in a dress! What keeps me from doing it is my ability to refrain with a small amount of self control and a greater love for christ to turn the other cheek...Manly, girly , gay, straight, musician, football player, artist, poet, dancer, walmart greeter, attorney, democrat, republican GOD BLESS IT! People can we just stop for 5 minutes and recognize that raising children is frightening enough whether your a man or woman , single or not . ...why must we tear down and critisize. Why not stop a stranger and say what a beautiful child and leave it at that...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:11:11 +0000

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