There are real proofs that US government has financed and - TopicsExpress


There are real proofs that US government has financed and supported Right Sector from the very beginning. It is not secret because of strong rejection by USA of any accusation of RS. So atlanto-fascism is now globally recognized fact. Ideologically that means interesting point. Postmodernity starts from the absolute victory of first political theory (liberalism) over its rivals - communism and fascism. So the main paradigm of Postmodernity itself is based on liberal version of anthropology, ontology, gnoseology and so on. The core of liberal metaphysics is atomic individual as the last product, a kind of final result of the total and consequent liquidation of any form of collective identity - religion, cast, nation, gender and so on. But Postmodernity is one step forward. It is invitation to divide individual, to split it, to pass toward sub-atomic, sub-individual level. So Postmodernity is essentially post-liberal. The communism and fascism can have their part in the Postmodern world only under condition to accept the priority of the liberal metaphysics. So they turn in this case into liberal-communism (left liberalism or libertarian liberalism or else trotskism or eco-gender-anarchism) and into liberal-fascism (racism, eurocentrism, anti-Russian, anti-eurasian, pro-USA). So the links between Right Sector of ukrainian fascists and USA are not only tactical alliance or pure instrumentalization. It is something more: the password needed for Third Position to have the place in the field of Postmodernity. It is not pure opportunism of nazi Yarosh or Tyagnibok. It is the iron rule of the ideological passage between Modernity and Postmodernity. Of the same nature are the relations between RS and jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoyski. It is not casual, it is Postmodern law. The same for communism: it is tolerated only under condition to accept its own agenda not as some non-individual social anthropology (class theory) but as sub-individual (dividual) theory of multitudes correctly described by Negri and Hardt and theorized by rhizome of G.Deleuze and F. Guattari. So the postmodern politics is represented in three forms - major paradigm of post-liberal liberalism (globalist mainstream agenda, Western hegemony, USA style of lying and killing and robbing and smiling during lying, killing and robbing) and two auxiliary sub-paradigms - liberal (post)fascism and liberal (post) communism. There is also the incredibly strange case of the liberal-nazi jews (Kolomoysky, Yazenyuk, Klichko, Poroshenko and so on - in France - Bernard-Henry Levy or Andre Glucksmann, in USA - ex-troskist team of the neo-cons who add here the third component - post-communism) that we could call post-jews. But they are not political phenomenon but ethno-confessional. All that was recently Modern becomes Postmodern under our eyes. Against all that any appeal to the earlier Modernity (pre-Postmodern Modernity) is completely ineffective. This is but conservative effort to make the fall into the abyss slower. That wont work because of the acceleration representing the main feature of Postmodernity (P. Virilio calls it quite opportunely dromocracy). So the only solution is Fourth Political Theory against all three postmodern (per)versions - post-liberalism, post-fascism and post-communism. 4PT deals not with the speed of the history (acceleration or slowdown) but with the direction of the history. The orientation of 4PT doesnt go in the sense where Modernity points out. The Modernity is not progress from down to the top nor horizontal moving from the past to the future. The Modernity is but the fall. It goes right down. 4PT suggests to stop falling and to begin flying. There is the separation between the stone and little bird in its first effort to fly - one falls, other flies. The Postmodernity is the terminal station called Abyss. 4PT is the saving move in transversal direction. The jump to the sky. That is why 4PT is purely idealistic in strictly Platonic sense: ideas are flying entities. Once more: beyond liberalism, communism and fascism (last two in their post-modern, biased forms) 4PT, Fourth Path. Against Post-Modern world.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 22:37:24 +0000

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