There are three candidates for the state representative for the - TopicsExpress


There are three candidates for the state representative for the 57th district.Terry boose is the Republican incumbent .His campaign and support is paid for by the Republican party and backers. The Democrats are promoting Matt Lark a school teacher .The party and supporters pay for his campaign as long as he tows the party line. Bob Sherwin is a libertarian,a party without a lot of money because they really do believe in limited government. they dont appeal to the rich backers of the two major parties because limited government is the enemy of pay to play government.So he is running primarily on his own money. One candidate can take sick days to campaign and be paid.The other candidate is on salary from the taxpayers to represent us and can campaign anytime he wants to without losing any pay . Bob Sherwin is a full time worker that uses all his free time and vacation to campaign .His last week of vacation he drove from Columbia Station to Norwalk every day to attend the Huron county fair from opening until closing so that he could meet and talk to people.This was an hour and a half drive and gas is not cheap. Terry Boose,and Matt Lark made appearances also. While Boose and Lark were at home watching football or whatever they do on weekends and afternoons Bob Sherwin was walking in the different towns talking to people and putting up the signs that he bought. The Republicans passed a law to make it harder for any parties other than Democrats and Republicans to take part in our electoral system.Many of the Democrats voted against the law as they do any law the Republicans try to pass but did nothing else to stop this limitation of access to the electoral system. Republicans do the same thing when Democrats are in power.This is one issue that the Democrats as the party of inclusion, fair elections,and defender of the downtrodden should have vigorously opposed in the court of public opinion .But as long as illegals dont have to show ID before voting they were good with it. It is amusing that the two parties that each in their own way have become extreme would have the support of opinion makers .At the same time these same groups try to label Libertarians as wild eyed extremist. The Libertarians are the only moderate party because they believe in freedom .We believe that you should be free to do anything that doesnt harm others. While other politicians make big promises that they know they cant keep Bob promises good honest representation.He is beholden to no one so he can vote with or against either party and do whats best for the people. I will vote for and support Bob Sherwin ,you should too because he is a member of the working class people of the district he represents. Archie Neal
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 13:46:54 +0000

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