There is a place called there, my Pastor TD JAKES said one time - TopicsExpress


There is a place called there, my Pastor TD JAKES said one time preaching. This place in marriage, is when you decide to stop pointing a finger, and stretch out your hand to help. There is a place called there, where you realize that what worked yesterday is not working today you have to be ready for change, be flexible. There is a place called there that you look around and ask yourself ,when all is said and done have I given my best?. There is a place called there, that in your marriage that you no longer allow unfruitful agendas. You grow in marriage, you stop the blaming game and take responsibility. I learnt in marriage that if you are willing to learn what you dont know, than pretend you know, it takes away years of turmoil. Marriage creates its own environment, either you are happy or you are not. Either its working or its not, It takes two to tangle. The good thing is we all can start all over if we want to. Husband/wife dont look for fruit where there is no fruit. What we grew up in shows up in our marriages, If there was rejection it shows up in marriage, if there were VOWS of poverty made, they show up in marriage, if there was anger it shows up in marriage, if there was infidelity, it shows up in marriage, that is why you have to confront what is facing you in your marriage and deal with it accordingly, gone are the days of what will be will be, times have changed people call evil good and good evil, help your wife, help your husband to see where the tangle is. We have to build our marriages, and building takes time, and if we are willing to do that at the end we reap good benefits. If you are a husband who hits his wife because of insecurities around, then why not stop and ask yourself, why? If you are a wife that brings embarrassment to your husband by your own mouth, then ask yourself, why? Marriage is good its the issues that comes with it, that if not dealt with, can make life so miserable. Wives, husbands dont like our loud mouths, soft answer turns away wrath. Husbands, dont make your wife feel small in anyones presence protect whats yours. Its the small foxes that spoil the vine. Marriage is a win win.Choose this day to give room for correction. Love is the key, we are companions in the vineyard of The Lord, if you cant minister to each other why preach to the whole world. Win souls in your own home, let them see Jesus in you we all stand to be corrected because of the way we have carried ourselves in our marriages. We are so good out there and yet there is hell in our homes then we deceive ourselves like everything is okay, its not okay lets get back to the basics. Ask what is the problem? When you identify the problem, then solve the problem. if you cant, then find help we are the body of Christ somebody somewhere knows what I dont know. Dont be shy to ask for help. Can I tell you something, just above the horizon, just above those dark clouds, the sun is shinning, for real, give it time sooner or later you will thank God that you stayed. Remember you are still the same people with changes here and there so dont act surprised like you are now strangers, no, he is still the same guy, she is still the same girl and you have changed each other to where you are now so who is to blame, the two of you. Love each other again, its possible if you choose to. God bless you and you have a blessed marriage today.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:02:20 +0000

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