There is something frightening within a mirror. We spend our days - TopicsExpress


There is something frightening within a mirror. We spend our days gazing into it to check our appearance, to brush our teeth, doing our day to day ablutions and sometimes, just sometimes we look at ourselves. I mean, REALLY look at ourselves. You may feel silly staring at it for a minute or more, but keep looking at that reflection. You will start to see things about yourself that are frightening and enlightening at the same time. Like that scar on your cheek, or how your eyebrow twitches when you concentrate. Look at it longer...then you will start to see yourself in a new light. There is a reason why the Victorians would cover a mirror when a person died. They reasoned if the soul did not have a body to go back to, it would become trapped within. Why did they believe so? Its because a mirror allows you to see the outward physical self and, your soul. We see the past, and the present, and sometimes what our future selves look like. How scary it is to see and look at yourself in the mirror and really see what stares back at you. It can make you cry. The mirror is not kind, it has never been a kind friend to us. It can lie to you and make you see what you feel are major faults, that are in truth minor imperfections that are part of your uniqueness. It can reflect back to you your past and moments that you have passed before it and happy moments that are forever gone. It is a powerful and humbling presentation of what you are. You cannot hide from yourself too long, the mirror is almost alive in its eagerness to capture even minute details. All to show you the futility of living within its gaze. The mirror may be frightening to those who are hiding from who they are, or what they try to escape from. Or it can shine a beam on what it is that you fear the most about yourself, so you can conquer it if you would. It can create monsters and shadows that terrify the mind. It is not about ugliness or beauty to stare oneself down in that reflective surface. It is about knowing yourself and seeing the negative along with the positive and trying to accept it as being your particular truth. It allows your mind to wander and see what has become of your ideals and dreams. It helps you accept you, as you. Not some mask or facade that people around you make you out to be. The true you that secretly wishes and hopes within the ever turbulent mind. Now, I shall go back to sleep and try harder tomorrow at being the me I saw staring back at myself, once upon a time.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 07:58:38 +0000

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