There is something specific about corporate thinking that has - TopicsExpress


There is something specific about corporate thinking that has always bothered me, but Ive never been able to articulate it. Yes...I understand that companies cant give things away because they lose money. At the same time, its hard to believe that Cracker Barrel is going to go bankrupt over a corn muffin. I dont like that corporate thinking means that you have to think like a robot...if that is the case then lower the cost of living and employ robots. Its very bothersome and mentally and emotionally unhealthy that corporate entities remove the concept of community, humanity, and the idea that we should all take care of each other from whatever community they plant themselves. That actually starts the minute they start putting mom and pops out of business. To ask this man into your office to fire him over being kind is shitty. It implies that they believe that if they let him get away with it, then theres just going to be free muffins for everyone flying off the shelves just because this dude decided that he and Cracker Barrel had the excess, access, and the means to brighten another persons day with a single muffin. Capitalism and fascism are bad. They hold hands and bully us to the ends of our lives, always making sure we have just enough to keep going and too much to dream about having that we never will. Thats why they put the rich, famous, and reckless on a they can point and say, THIS COULD BE YOU! But horribly skewed odds are it never will be. You cant pull yourself up by your boot straps if you cant afford decent boots. More on this later.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:58:11 +0000

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