There’s no denying that household mould and mildew can be - TopicsExpress


There’s no denying that household mould and mildew can be dangerous to our health. In fact, it has been proven to promote asthma, allergies, and colds. Likewise, it is thought to increase the occurrence of mood swings and depression. Generally speaking, prevention is the best way to eradicate the problem; however, that seems to be the issue with mould — we often don’t know it forming until it rears it’s nasty head. Staying alert to the appearance of mould and treating it quickly is the only way to win! Unfortunately, many of commercially-prepared products in the stores — created to solve the problem — can also cause the same problems they intend to fix. So the question becomes…how can we do this without the use of harsh chemicals? Start with the Basics Here are a few things you must do to start treating the mould problem: 1. Dry out dampness. Moisture is the number one cause of mould. Drying out damp areas of the home will help to prevent the rate of incidence. This can be done most commonly by using a dehumidifier. One can also sprinkle arrowroot powder or corn flour over the mouldy area, as this will help to absorb the extra moisture. 2. Fix the leak. Fixing those leaky pipes, or that leak in the roof, will help to eliminate the water source and prevent the conditions for which mould loves to grow. 3. Establish good air circulation. The best way to do this is to use fans throughout the home. 4. Let the sun shine in. Let the natural light of the sun into your home as much as possible. However, in areas such as the basement, consider using a UV light if things get really bad. AND THEN SHIELD from it returning by applying VITEC MAX or VITEC PRO products
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:54:35 +0000

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