These are some of the comments that were written in the Flint - TopicsExpress


These are some of the comments that were written in the Flint Journal about the Peace Rally... Partnering these comments with the derogatory comments such as terrorists, go back to where you came from... Can someone PLEASE remind me again, why do I choose to give my all to a community and a country that does not want to accept me?? Because at this moment, and with all honesty, my whole belief system is shaken... shopratuaw11 minutes ago Why protest violence at a peaceful event in a city like Flint where people are shooting at each other almost daily is beyond me. We will not be quieted! Apparently neither will our engines. FlagShareLikeReply LesPaulCustom1 hour ago Since MLive has chosen to show an advocacy for the Gaza Hamas side of the current conflict in this article, I wonder if they would be willing to write a counter article showing how Hamas fires rockets at Israel from Gaza homes, schools, hospitals, etc? Will equal coverage be granted? idfblog/blog/2014/08/04/hamas-fires-rockets-everywhere-gaza/ FlagShareLikeReply wenthome10 hours ago what has happened in Gaza is a horror. Hamas is evil. People should watch intelligent tv news such as pbs newhours, and read . think.... they should also be able to celebrate what they have.......this is Flint, Michigan, U.S.A. i hope this group gets attention, achieves something. BUT! move away from this event. call a meeting, put up signs....the world is full of misery, night afternight the starving babies on the news and zillions of people in horrific contiions. all the more reason why people here this week should enjoy one of their own customs no pun intended. FlagShare2LikeReply wenthome11 hours ago this is inappropriate. We need to celebrate and enjoy what our freedom allows us to, to preserve all of it and maintain it as a goal and representation of freedom for others in the world. back to the bricks should not be interrupted for this. I have deep honest respect for jewish people but i have always thought Isreal was a bad idea. Elmer Berger, was a rabbi in FLINT,when he wrote THE JEWISH DILEMMA, the case against Zionist nationalism. Jews are a religion, not a nationality..A state was bound to create great stress on the stability of the region. all that to one side, no kind of interupption is appropriate to this event which matters to Flint and Flint people. by all means, have your demonstration. not at back to the bricks where something else is already going on!! . Back to the Bricks is one of the things that Flint is about. we have people out there preventing interruption by youths. these are grown ups. The cause is very important but this is not the place. . FlagShare1LikeReply fedupinflint13 hours ago Not bright enough to figure out that disrupting the rights of others does not enlist support or sympathy. FlagShare5LikeReply keann13 hours ago Israel has found 30 tunnels. Hamas is estimated to have spent $30million on EACH tunnel; 1 tunnel is estimated to take 350 truckloads of building materials. Hamas could have built 86 homes, 7 mosques and 19 medical units for EACH tunnel. Hamas could have invested in the welfare of its citizens - it chose to invest in terrorism. FlagShare4LikeReply wenthome10 hours ago @keann very well put! FlagShareLikeReply Hot Rod Farmer13 hours ago I was one of the people revving my engine as I left Saturday. There is a time and place for demonstrations of this type and at a car show is not one of them. I was there to enjoy a great car show but was suddenly forced to listen to their agenda thru a cheap speaker. Very annoying to say the least. I chose to leave. By the way did this group have a permit to march down Saginaw St? Im sure the Back to the Bricks organizers had the proper paperwork. FlagShare5LikeReply SpartyForever14 hours ago Those people have been fighting each other forever !!! Its nothing new. Why we waste our money on that area is beyond me!! And the people from that region come over here and want to interrupt out activities. If they want to be noticed go home and run around your own streets!! We cant even enjoy a Saturday afternoon without some group trying to ruin it with their own agenda!! People need to go back to respecting others and having some morals and values. This idea that all these Different groups need to be heard is getting to be way too much !! Respect other people and keep your dam mouth shut so people can enjoy an event!!! FlagShare4LikeReply michrick5715 hours ago Good for the people reving their engines. FlagShare9LikeReply RangeRoverDan21121 day ago Not the most intelligent people; if they wanted action, they would write their legislature, back home and ask them to stop fighting. Stirring up a bunch of gearheads in Flint, Michigan is probably the least productive thing to do. FlagShare5LikeReply LesPaulCustom1 day ago Long live Israel. Destroy all Hamas terrorists. FlagShare8LikeReply jacobsmith1 day ago I hope that Israel is soon able to suppress the terrorist Hamas organization to minimize the impact on civilians. If someone decided to pop missiles into the US from Juarez it would make what is happening in Gaza look like playing patty-cake by comparison. FlagShare6LikeReply AlleB1 day ago It makes perfect sense to go where people are to send a message. It was a peaceful rally about peace, justice and humanity. To be annoyed says something about your lack of empathy for thousands of people dying. The ACLU and Jewish Voice of Peace were also there showing support and solidarity with the Palestinians. If not now, then when? When no one is there to hear it! FlagShare2LikeReply fireatwill1 day ago Theres a time and place, and this wasnt it. These people are trying o enjoy a peaceful day which you are not allowing them to do. FlagShare5LikeReply jbcsfl1 day ago I just dont understand how some citizens possess the need to disrupt events. Chanting and carrying signs at a demonstration during the Back to the Bricks car show was uncalled for and obviously not well received by the car buffs. FlagShare5LikeReply LJgirl1 day ago Hey MLive a quick internet search would have let you add to the article that Claire McClinton and Alec Gibbs are community organizers in Flint. I would venture to say they are not just residents who heard about the demonstration. Why cant Flint just have a nice activity without some group trying to hijack it? FlagShare1LikeReply Amanda Emery | aemery@mlive1 day ago @LJgirl Gibbs said specifically he wasnt there in any official capacity. Im here to show solidarity. McClinton said When I heard about the demonstration I had to come because we saw pictures on television of the hospitals and schools being bombed over there. FlagShare2LikeReply LJgirl1 day ago And your point is?????? Gibbs and McClinton make a living off of making noise. Community Organizers must go to where the press is going to be. I just believe as a reporter you should have mentioned that Gibbs and McClinton are not just concerned citizens of Flint. They have an agenda. In fact how do we know you didnt just happen to get quotes from them because you are familiar with them? FlagShare3LikeReply ic23b1 day ago I would say if you dont want to be bombed dont fire rockets at a country with a well equipped army and air force.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:24:51 +0000

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