This I thought was worth the read and everyone should as well - TopicsExpress


This I thought was worth the read and everyone should as well ............. open your eyes Rena Iliades So what does Syria have to do with Australia? Surely those oppressed peoples suffering at the hands of their rogue government and the ensuing violence in the streets couldnt compare to anything happening here right? You might change your mind when you read about what started as protests when Syrian troops rounded up a handful of young boys in a Syrian border town, which turned into 3 years civil war. The reason the boys were rounded up is something that could and DOES happen here. So what did they do that was so terrible that it necessitated the involvement of Military troops? They hacked into a Secret Government Database perhaps? Or they made death threats to prominent public officials? No. What they did was scrawled an anti-government protest on a wall in their schoolyard. What totally took me aback though; and prompted this post is the information in the article that followed. It says the government kept the people living under emergency rule from 1963 to 2011. During this time public gatherings of more than five people were banned. Can you say Queensland Bikie Laws for me? Can you see the parallels yet? If you cant, then you havent seen the video evidence from regular Australians who happen to have a passion for motorbikes being harassed and targeted via the heavy tactics being employed by the Queensland police. If you think that these individuals somehow deserve it because youve bought into the lies of our now corporatized media running their own agenda, then you havent seen any of the work done by a group of ordinary Australians who sought to expose the corruption of their local council. The louder they protested, the quicker the undercurrent of fascism came to the surface in a gobsmacking display from the local police at the behest of the Local Council. And just for good measure, the local papers got into the act of vilifying and misreporting the events to make them look like a bunch of maladjusted conspiracy nuts. youtube/watch?v=-4Lnze7O22g It wouldnt be difficult to imagine that instead of your regular police intimidating, bullying & threatening protesters into dispersing - no matter how legitimate the protest is - will someday in the future be replaced with Military style police units. Its already happening everywhere else in the world. Are we that naïve that we still believe our government is immune to the worlds trend in democracy? examiner/article/why-do-local-police-forces-need-military-style-armoured-vehicles Sure it may have been easier to believe this in the 50s & 60s because we had a neat cookie cutter example in the USSR of what Communism looked like; which from where we stood in the West seemed to be oceans apart from our own experience of government and the democratic process. In todays world however, the only stark difference seems to be the level of violence, which I would suggest correlates directly with the years of oppression that the region has had to endure. For every year it is tolerated, the more autocratic and oppressive the regime becomes. Its the classic story of how to boil a frog. We already have a Government that requires you to ask for permission to protest; complete with designated areas and a whole bunch of bureaucratic red-tape. Now thats an oxymoron if I ever heard of one. Just in case you have nothing better to do, you can read about all of the requirements to hold a government endorsed and approved protest here First the bikies and then its you...which reminds me of a provocative statement made by Pastor Martin Neimoller regarding the cowardice of German intellectuals that paved the way for the Nazis rise to power and subsequently led to the purging of specific targets, one by one and group by group. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. WAKE UP Australia or we too, in years to come, may end up finding that we have more in common with Syrians and their plight than we had ever dared to imagine..
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:57:02 +0000

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