This Will Be Real Ye are of God, my little children, and have - TopicsExpress


This Will Be Real Ye are of God, my little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. When we awaken in the morning, we will remember, I will conquer today, for I have His wisdom. I have His ability. I have the great mighty Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwelling in me. He will enable me to use the wisdom that is mine. When I act on the Word, I will do it with a sureness like the sureness that was in Jesus earth walk. There was no hesitancy there. He knew. So now, today, I will know, because all this day the One who raised Jesus from the dead is going to be a motive force in my life. He is going to keep me quiet in hard places. He is going to give me grace; or, in other words, He will teach me how to enjoy the fullness of grace, the fullness of love, and the fullness of joy that are mine. Can you imagine any limitations or impossibilities to the believer who enjoys what I have already written? When you realize that we have the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had, the same mighty Name that the Apostles had, the same Living Word, can you not see the limitlessness of this Divine Life? All authority was given to Jesus in Heaven and on earth, so that when we pray in that Name, it moves Heaven, and it conquers anything on earth. That Name reaches into Heaven. It is known in Heaven. A little while ago an epileptic came to our services. He had had this disease for years, and he had one of those awful fits in our service. I took my rights in the Name of Jesus; I cast that demon out. The man was completely healed, and it has never come back. He had been unable to work, just a burden to himself. Now he is healthy and vigorous and strong. That is the power, authority and ability that is wrapped up in the Name of Jesus. We have a legal right to use the Name and to use the Word. The Hidden Man
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:00:00 +0000

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