This article was sent to me by a friend. Social Security today, - TopicsExpress


This article was sent to me by a friend. Social Security today, government pensions (federal, state, and local) tomorrow. Our do-nothing sorry-ass congress (approval now at 9%) plus some of our sorry ass governors are not pleased that we are receiving this income (We earned and paid into the system for this nest egg upon retirement; yet, there are some of us who it doesnt take much to be convinced these are giveaway programs.) They say these programs (both parties) are breaking the country; these are adding to the (non) deficit. Were so caught up in their lies (their plan) that we dont see the billions upon billions of dollars (freebies) given to corporate America and commercial farmers (BTW: They pay nothing for these freebies. They pay no taxes and our sorry-ass do nothing congress gives them these tax breaks from our payments made annually on April 15th. (They refer to this welfare as subsidies because they know some of us are just too darn stupid to know theyre the same.) FB friends, please wake up and tune in into the real crises in our country. Our dumb ass congress thinks we are a bunch of stupid morons; please lets prove them wrong. NOTE: For those of you whove forgotten back in 2008 when the stock market crashed and CEOs had to get taxpayer to bail them out to the tune of $700 Billion to save them they still received their $$$$ millions in bonuses even though they had recklessly played with their investors money (teachers pension funds, mortgages, employees 401K plans, the works; the public was outraged. However, it was explained to us (small stupid people) that their contracts stated they were contractually obligated to received these $$$$$ in bonuses even if they lost all of the investors $$$$$. Fast forward: Public employees in Detroit also signed contracts when hired stating the $$ (note here: little dollars) they paid into their public pensions would be returned to them. The federal judge recently ruled they were not entitled to these funds. Uum!! Corporate America received bonus contracts even though they lost all the investors money; On the other hand the Michigan judge ruled Middle Class Public Servants with similar contracts (their pensions) were not entitled to their money. Go figure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Security Check SOCIAL SECURITY becomes FEDERAL BENEFIT CHECK Have you noticed, the Social Security check is now referred to as a Federal Benefit Payment? The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a Federal Benefit Payment. This isnt a benefit. It is earned income! Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too. It totaled 15% of our income before taxes . If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, thats close to $180,000 Invested in Social Security . If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security ( $375/month, including both your and your employers contributions) at a meager 1% Interest rate Compounded monthly, after 40 years of working youd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved! This is your personal investment . Upon retirement, if you took > out only 3% per year , youd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month . Thats almost three times more than todays average Social Security benefit of $1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. (Google it - its a fact). And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until youre 98 if you retire at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in low-risk interest-earning accounts . Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever did. They took our money and used it elsewhere. They forgot (ignored) that it was OUR money they were taking. They didnt have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them . And they didnt pay interest on the debt they assumed. And recently, theyve told us that the money wont support us for very much longer . But is it our fault they misused our investments? Now, to add insult to injury, theyre calling it a benefit, as if we never worked to earn every penny of it. Just because they borrowed the money, doesnt mean that our investments were a charity! Lets take a stand. We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government. Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going, for the sake of that 92% of our population who need it. *Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income. * 99% of people wont forward this. Will you? I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has read it.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:31:01 +0000

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