This group has come along just fine, we are 1133 members strong, - TopicsExpress


This group has come along just fine, we are 1133 members strong, which is a fair accomplishment. At 1500 member we integrate the first sponsor... but heres the thing, we need to fine one. We will be accepting sponsorship submission at [email protected] , once we have a list of potential sponsors we will be presenting them to the group and members will vote on which sponsor is worth helping out. As a sponsor you will be allowed to post an ad for your business within within this group but in balance with the amount of activity within the group. We will not allow the abuse of this system and the over posting of sponsor ads, let that be known. Also during this time sponsorship is 100% free, after the group hits 2500 members that will change. Consider this a test phase; We will be using data collected from this trial period for future use. As a sponsor we expect you to maintain client relations and when issues arise they are to be dealt with. On the opposite side of the spectrum members are not permitted to attack sponsors publicly. Issues with sponsors are to be worked out with the sponsor and if all else fails you contact us at [email protected] and we will have the issue addressed internally. Keep in mind that we need sponsors to take this network to the next level, if you are uncomfortable with this we ask you to part way with this group as this is not a debatable subject, although we welcome constructive criticism. We will work hard to make sure the sponsor system does not affect day by day activity of the group. So with that said please send an email to that address if you are interested. Could earn you 1-3 months free advertising at the very least. In the email please include that this application is for the Sackville Area.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 09:41:24 +0000

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