This is for the doggie owners who didnt want to spay their doggies - TopicsExpress


This is for the doggie owners who didnt want to spay their doggies because they think that their doggies were never let out/ or their doggies whom were given Estrogen jabs to prevent unwanted pregancy are safe. PYOMETRA is a life-threatening infection of the uterus that occurs most often in INTACT females. The disease often begins with a condition called cystic endometrial hyperplasia.( CEH). In a doggie with CEH, the inner glandular layer of the uterus becomes thickened, fills with fluid, n forms open pockets like those in Swiss cheese. These endometrial changes are caused by the sustained effect of high levels of progestrone that occur during the 8-10 weeks of diestrus. CEH provides ideal conditions for bacterial growth. The bacteria gain access to the uterus when the cervix is relaxed during estrus. The subsequent infection leads to PYOMETRA. A biopsy might detect CEH, but the condition usually goes unnoticed until it has progressed to PYOMETRA n the doggie becomes ill. Estrogen given in the form of a mismate shot has been associated with a greatly increased risk of PYOMETRA. Signs of PYOMETRA appear 1 or 2 mths after the heat period. A doggie with PYOMETRA appears depressed n lethargic, may refuse to eat, drinks a great deal of water n pees frequently. Vomiting n diarrhea also can occur. Her temperature may be normal or even below normal. There are 2 types of PYOMETRA: open n closed. In open-cervix PYOMETRA, the cervix relaxes n releases a large amount of pus that often resembles tomato soup. These doggies usually do not appear as ill as those with closed- PYOMETRA. In closed- cervix PYOMETRA, the undrained uterus enlarges, often producing a painful swelling in the lower abdomen. This type of PYOMETRA is more likely to be accompanied by vomiting n diarrhea, n may produce signs of toxicity such as high fever, rapid pulse n shock. PYOMETRA REQUIRES IMMEDIATE VETERINARY ATTENTION TO PREVENT SHOCK N DEATH. PLS SPAY YOUR DOGGIES TO PREVENT UNWANTED LITTERS N ALSO TO SPARE THEM FROM THE PAINS N SUFFERINGS OF PYOMETRA. Thank you. God Bless!! 1/9/14
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:48:42 +0000

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