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This is my paper for English read it and leave comments and ideas! Tattoos & Piercings Tattoos and piercings have been around for many centuries. During the 17th and 18th century, tattoos and piercings were only for royalty in England, but today many ordinary people have tattoos and/or body piercings. However, many people have replaced the royalty stereotype with a new stereotype that was more condescending. Most people view tattoos and piercings to be only for gang members, prisoners, bikers, low-lives, and troublemakers. I feel tattoos and piercings should not identify who you are. They should be accepted in society and in the workplace. Since more and more everyday people are getting tattoos and piercings, more conservative people who are against them are now excluding those people from society. Tattoos and piercings are a particularly unacceptable subject when dealing with women. They are especially frowned upon and are considered tacky, trashy and even to the extent of being promiscuous. According to the Harris Poll which took place in 2003, “about 15% of all Americans have at least one tattoo. That translates into about 40 million people….. As for as body piercings, no statistics are kept, and it is unknown how many Americans have them, but health care providers and dentist say they are seeing more every day.” Why do people have such a negative attitude toward tattoos and piercings? They are a unique form of self-expression and cause no harm. On the other hand, there are many people who still view them as a sign of rebellion and refuse to accept that a well-educated person can express themselves through getting a tattoo and/or piercing. Even people who are not everyday people and do fall into the stereotypes face harder criticism. People tend not to trust them, look down upon them or are afraid of them. Tattooed and pierced people usually don’t want to conform to society. They purposely desired a distinctive feature that makes them stand out from everyday society. Yet conservatives still refuse to accept that in today’s generation. People are allowed to be different from each other and don’t deserve to be judged by the hole in their lip or the mark on their arm. For example, a controversial topic that has been on the news and plastered in magazines are tattoos and piercings in the workplace. CEO John Challenger explained, “Most employers today would agree that a person’s appearance is nowhere near as important as his or her professional skills.” “Even in this tight job market, most companies aren’t going to view tattoos too harshly. Companies have a vested interest in hiring the most qualified candidate.” Some people still believe during job interviews, regardless if the person is highly intelligent and hardworking, they may not be able to get the job because of their unprofessional-looking tongue, lip piercing or eyebrow. If a person does work for an employer that is against tattoos, they are most likely required to wear long sleeves, even during summertime, in order to hide the large, skull on their arm. Don’t be afraid of people with ink. They are normal everyday people with a past and a future. Remember they are fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and often live a normal lifestyle. “It’s unfair to assume that because one loves art and self-expression that they are criminals and drug addicts. Treat them with the same respect anyone should receive and a valuable lesson can be learned.” Each individual person has their own reasons for getting a tattoo or body piercing. This maybe because it represents something from the past or a loved one whom has died. Just now in the year 2014 society is starting accept tattoos and piercings but there is still a long road ahead. People judge other people based upon their appearance because they are afraid of what is different. It is not right because people who have tattoos and piercing only change their appearance, not who they are. Having a tattoo or piercing should not affect a chance of getting a job or even being fully accepted in to society. People being different is an important aspect of society and without it, different perspectives would not exist. This allows conservative people to have more of an open mind toward people who choose to express themselves in different ways.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:29:57 +0000

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