This is sure to upset a few people.... Questions we should ALL - TopicsExpress


This is sure to upset a few people.... Questions we should ALL be asking for the sake of our dogs... because they cant! Why is it that groups such as the APDTA, Delta Society, and the RSPCA, are pushing an agenda that in my opinion is in many instances to the detriment of our dogs well-being and natural instincts? 1. Why are these groups turning away from our dogs natural instinctive behaviours, with the end result being dog owners not understanding their dogs instincts, which are required for our dogs to survive and remain balanced in social groups? 2. Why is it that dogs that cant be helped using the methods they preach are given no other option but to be put to sleep? And yes it does happen, and a lot more often than they are willing to admit to the general public. I came across one such sad case personally in a professional capacity. A dog behaviourist aligned with Delta Society, had their own dog PTS because the method used to extinguish reactive aggression as taught by Delta wasnt successful. This same behaviourist also recommended that the owners of the brother of their own dog also have their dog PTS for the same behavioural issues. Lucky for this dog, they refused to follow their behaviourists lead, and called me out. By following a more balanced approach to the behaviour, based on natural instincts, we were able to extinguish this dogs reactive aggression, and has now lived more than 2 years longer than its brother. 3. Why do these groups deny the existence of natural dominance in dogs? According to this group, dominance theory is a myth! Surely this must mean that dogs are the only social animal in the entire animal kingdom to be denied this natural genetic predisposition? Understanding of course that there are varying levels of natural genetic dominance, and that includes in humans as well. Some are born natural leaders, some a born natural followers, and varying levels in-between. 4. Why do these groups deny the existence of pack instinct in dogs? Again, dogs must be the only social animal on this planet that dont have some type of social hierarchy to help maintain balance within the social pack. Even humans have this natural instinct to survive in family groups and society, by instinctively following a social order. 5. Why are these groups pushing their agenda, which is in my opinion, mainly based on emotive reasons than scientific fact? Their so-called scientific studies are either based on sterile and isolated laboratory experiments, with already emotive results expected, or only publishing the results that fall inline with their own belief system. And those results that dont fall inline with their emotive expectations are pushed aside. Balanced trainers focus on the real world not on sterile controlled environments such as in laboratories, or cages, or swimming pools in marine parks, where behaviour is totally controlled by isolating the animals from their natural environment. Isolate and control an animals environment totally, and when it is fed, one can of course condition behaviour in that situation, even in humans. Try that process in the animals natural environment; how many Killer Whales will jump through hoops then? 6. Why do these groups equate dominance with violence? Why do they push that correcting a dog is abusive, yet dogs (and ALL social animals) correct and maintain balance within their social groups through avoidance techniques? Yet to this group a human is considered abusive for following the same natural laws of nature. Are these groups trying to push on to our dogs that which they wished humans would live by? That life should be one big rosy positive experience, with no need to correct unacceptable behaviours, or the need to use avoidance techniques to keep our society civil and obey laws? Just as society cannot survive with these positive philosophies that these groups wished for, why do they push these unrealistic emotive demands on to our dogs? These groups only need to look at themselves and how they live and interact in society to understand that what they are trying to push on to our dogs is totally unrealistic. Actions will always produce consequences, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Its how all social groups survive and remain balanced, and have existed for millions of years. All our own laws are based on avoidance techniques. There is in my opinion a social experiment going on now with children. They are being taught there are no winners or losers, as we dont allow competition between children in schools. We dont play to win.That there are no unpleasant consequences to unacceptable behaviour. We just focus on and reward good behaviour. How does this prepare children for the real world as they mature? We end up with many children growing up not knowing how to deal with losing or failing, and not always getting what they want. These groups mentioned above are trying to push these agendas on to our dogs, which goes totally against their genetic and instinctive physiology. We also must remember, we cannot reason with our dogs, we can only set rules and boundaries, and that there are consistent consequences to behaviour, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant. Acceptable behaviour is rewarded, and if need-be we condition our dogs to avoid unacceptable behaviours, just as they would do in their natural environment, and just as our own laws in society are enforced. As long as these groups deny natural instincts and social behaviour in our dogs, the more our dogs will suffer the consequences. The number of dogs now being put to sleep due to behaviour related issues is growing at an unrealistic rate. The number of people being bitten and attacked by dogs is growing steadily. And no matter what laws governments bring in based on BSL, unless our relationship with dogs change, these numbers will continue to climb. 15 years ago, why wasnt there an outrage against the Pit Bull which has been with us for over 200 years? The dog hasnt changed, the only contributing factor that has changed recently is the way we now relate to it. A dog that was affectionately known as the nanny dog is now considered a heartless vicious killer. Governments are to focused on the breed of dog, and not how much society has changed in how it now relates to dogs. Puppy preschools and vet behaviourists are more and more focused on force free and positive only techniques as pushed by the Delta Society, RSPCA and APDTA, that our dogs just dont instinctively understand. They are not teaching puppy owners how to correct their puppy naturally, just as its mother would, or how to set rules and boundaries by understanding the proper use of avoidance training, to help maintain balance within the family pack. They are not teaching basic dog instincts and drives, but pushing the agenda that dogs are our fury little friends that should be treated as if they should be wrapped in cotton wool. We as a society are destroying our relationship with our dogs, all because in my professional opinion, we have turned away from what our dogs need from us, and that is to respect it for the social pack animal it is, that has specific natural instincts and drives to help it survive within the family pack. Until we go back to respecting our dogs, then its our dogs that will continue to suffer at no fault of their own. And as is happening now in many states of Australia..10s of thousands of innocent dogs being killed each year, all because a few groups live in denial and base their training philosophy on emotion, and pushing a political agenda. We should be ashamed as a nation and as human beings that we are allowing this to happen.........
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:04:18 +0000

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