This morning in my prayer time the tears started flowing from my - TopicsExpress


This morning in my prayer time the tears started flowing from my eyes and they still are as I prayed for the Middle East especially as I prayed for the Christians who live in northern Iraq. As I prayed for their safety and protection my mind went back to the day that Carlos and I visited the Holocaust Museum in Israel a few years ago. I remember walking through every inch of that museum with tears streaming down my face saying, Oh God! Why didnt anyone do anything? Why did the world watch and do nothing? NOW, it is happening again! Christian men, women and children being killed for their beliefs. Homes being marked so that radical Islam will know which homes to go into to. I have read countless articles and have seen countless pictures of Christians who have been beheaded. This must STOP! We need to SPEAK OUT and tell our leaders to DO SOMETHING . .DO SOMETHING NOW! We are watching live via social media and the news the beginnings of a holocaust. If you have any heart . .any compassion . . .speak OUT! Let your voice be heard for the tragedy that is happening right before our eyes. Also, PRAY and FAST! Asking for an END to this horrible thing that is taking place. Pray my friends . .. Pray like never before! Here is a link to the museum in Israel. Watch it and remember all the millions of Jews that were killed for their belief and then remember the 200,000 plus Christians that are living in northern Iraq that are looking at the same fate! Thousands of Christians are fleeing northern Iraq and communities they have lived in for almost 2,000 years following militant group ISIS ultimatum last week that they convert to Islam, pay a tax, or be killed for their faith. This Tuesday, August 12th ALL day we will be Fasting and Praying for the Middle East and this situation. Carlos and I are asking for everyone to participate in some way. Every set in the prayer room will be praying and interceding for this situation. The main intercession sets though are Tuesday 10am and Tuesday 6pm. Please try to get to either of these sets if possible! If not , join in via the webstream and intercede with us! I also sent email to all the Florida HOP Directors as well as the National House of Prayer Directors and many emailed me back to say they are joining with us this Tuesday! Lets be proactive and pray and fast asking the Lord to MOVE in this situation! Thank you for reading this, Emily Sarmiento OHOP Jesus, I am asking you break in to this situation! I pray protection over every man, women and child who are trapped on that mountain in northern Iraq. Provide them with food and water Lord. They need a miracle! They need an escape . . they need a way out! Help them in Jesus name! Also, awaken the leaders of the nations to arise and help out! Let this atrocity stop in Jesus name Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:33:39 +0000

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