This morning, the Wi’am staff gathered in the courtyard for our - TopicsExpress


This morning, the Wi’am staff gathered in the courtyard for our monthly Prayers for Peace and Justice. In the midst of the harvest season, we reflected on the connections between God’s creation and justice. In what ways do we see God’s goodness reflected in nature? How can we work towards a harvest of justice today? During the reflection, Usama shared these words from poet Mahmoud Darwish, “If the Olive Trees knew the hands that planted them, their oil would become tears.” We read Psalm 104:5-23 and Galatians 6:7-10 and concluded with the prayer below. Please continue to pray with us throughout the day and always for the physical harvest and the harvest of peace and justice. We pray for those who have not been able to gather the harvest because of poor weather, for those who bear the brunt of a changing climate, where rains have become unreliable and the harvest unpredictable. God of the harvest, hear our prayer. We pray for those who struggle to get land or have been forced off the land they need to be able to plant and grow enough food, for those who have had to abandon land because of conflict and have had to leave crops un-harvested. God of the harvest, hear our prayer. We pray for your blessing on communities around the world who offer hospitality to refugees and those who are returning home. God of the harvest, hear our prayer. We pray for those who still do not get a fair price for the food they grow and sell, and so struggle to make ends meet. We pray for the many women who do so much of the work of harvesting but realize so little of the income and own so little of the land. God of the harvest, hear our prayer. We pray for our community and the communities we represent. We pray that we might be agents of change, the yeast of justice at work in our society and our world. God of the harvest, hear our prayer. Adapted from Christian Aid UK, “Prayers for a Harvest Thanksgiving”
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 07:53:22 +0000

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