This past week a story appeared about a famous mathematician, - TopicsExpress


This past week a story appeared about a famous mathematician, Johannes Kepler, who lived some 400 years ago. Kepler had a theory about how the planets move but try as he might he was unable to prove it mathematically. So his theory remained just that, a theory... until now. By the use of two computers, a scientist named Thomas Hales has proven Keplers theory to be 100% true. Advances in technology have allowed us to take something that couldnt be confirmed as truth and establish its validity 400 years later. This is almost the exact opposite that has happened with the Gospel. Jesus established that he was the Way, and the Truth and the Life some 2,000 years ago by his death, burial and resurrection from the dead... and science with all its technilogical advancement has not proven him wrong. We have some weak, silly theories about unreliable documents or that Jesus just fainted (he never actually died) or even that his followers stole the body and hid it to give the appearance that he rose from the dead. But for all you doubters and believers in science out there as the absolute truth... here are THE FACTS. 1. The writings of the new testament are the most well documented writings of any in ancient history. If we cant believe them we have no reason to believe any other writings from that or any other time period 2. Roman soldiers were proficient in killing people (especially by crucifixtion) and THEIR lives depended on their victims being all the way dead... so for them to let Jesus “slip through the cracks” and simply fake his death is nonsense. 3. As for the stolen body theory? Its been 2,000 plus years and we still have no body. It simply does not exist. We have tons of other archeological evidence that proves the authenticity of scripture but we have no body. In fact, all Jesus followers died horrific, torturous deaths because they would not recant their story of the resurrected Christ. Not something you would do for a made up fairy tale. No, not only has technology not disproved the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, we continue to find more and more evidence that what the Bible tells us about God and Jesus is absolutely true... that yes, what Jesus said is absolutely true. He is “the way, and the truth and the life.” Oh, by the way, Jesus finished that statement with these words... “NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME” (John 14:6) So what are you willing to hang your hat on today? What do you want to leave your eternal salvation up to? The uncertainty of science? Or would you rather have absolute certainty that you will spend eternity with God in Heaven? “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He will never abondon you. So what will it be... will you open your heart and accept Him in? Today is the day of salvation do not harden your heart.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 12:39:45 +0000

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