This photo is from Carlene Thies book Disneyland Seen Through the - TopicsExpress


This photo is from Carlene Thies book Disneyland Seen Through the Eyes of a Photographers Lens, that I bought in the Walt Disney museum in Marceline, yesterday. It was the second time I went to visit that little town stopped in time kind of, real Walt Disneys Sanctuary. When looking at the Disney house, and the farm where Walt spent the most important years of his life, a tall and strong middle aged man popped out of nowhere and came in my direction. I know the house is actually inhabited by some distant Disney relation, I think, and seeing everything so pristine and trimmed, I was afraid that guy was some inhabitant coming to me with rules, like it is forbidden to take pictures or You cant step on the lawn, or whatever. Steve, my husband, was waiting in the car, because there was no way to park that near. I was already done, when the man approached me. He wanted to know where Walts tree of dream was. I pointed on its direction, somewhat distant from the Disney house, and, before starting to run there, he muttered I wonder if I can take my children there... Since the farm is by a highway, when I went back to the car I asked Steve where he thought that man could have come from, landing, as it was, just before the Disney house. Steve pointed to a gigantic truck on the other side of the highway, stopped to the side with the door opened and the lights flashing. It was a truck driver who wanted to see the tree of dreams and broke rules and adequacy of traffic to abandon, for a moment, his gigantic vehicle. Breaking with abstract authority, forgetting reality, his job and his immense vehicle for a few moments he was paying tribute to his own dreaming, that he then would be able to touch with his hands....
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:27:01 +0000

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