This post is for those who want to know why Jake Evans kill his - TopicsExpress


This post is for those who want to know why Jake Evans kill his mother and sister. Too lazy to read? again this is for those who want to know why Jake Evans kill his mother and sister.:) happy reading. US teen tells how he killed his mother and sister after Halloween movie inspired him to murder his family Jake Evans, 17, wrote a chilling four-page confession describing in detail the night of the killing Said he watched Halloween movie three times that week and stole his grandpas gun He said his family were turning into people he hates and his sister was racist Father and two other sisters were out of town at time of shooting A 17-year-old boy who shot his sister and mother said that watching horror movie Halloween gave him the idea because he was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had. Jake Evans disturbing four-page confession was released yesterday during his trial for the October 3 shooting deaths of his sister Mallory and mother Jami in their upscale home in a gated community of Aledo, Texas. The chilling confession spells out in intricate, matter-of-fact detail the thoughts and actions of the 17-year-old in the hours leading up to and during the inexplicable slaying of his two family members. Though Evans is not known to have been suffering from any mental illness at the time, he writes that after the shooting, in shock I ran into my room and screamed at the top of my lungs that I am really messed up and that I killed my mom and sister. He heard noises and realized his sister was still alive. As I emptied the shells on my bed, I heard noizes (sic) and realized that Mallory was still alive. While I loaded the gun back up, I was shouting that I was sorry and then ran as fast as I could to kill her. I made sure my mom was dead and shot her again in the head. Evans said he had watched the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween three times earlier that week and felt it would be the same for me when I kill someone. The 2007 film is about a ten-year-old boy who murders several people and kills a number of others 15 years later. Evans said he also had planned to kill his grandparents at their home across the street and his oldest sister who was there, as well as another older sister who was home from college, according to the statement. My plan was to kill my sister and my mom at my house and then go over to my grandparents and kill my oldest sister Emily and my two grandparents, Evans wrote. Authorities have said his father was out of town at the time. THE FICTIONAL CHILD KILLER WHO INSPIRED JAKE EVANS Myers Halloween is a 2007 American slasher film written, directed, and produced by Rob Zombie. The film is a remake of the 1978 horror film of the same name, the first in the rebooted Halloween film series. Rob Zombies reimagining follows the premise of the original, with Michael Myers stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Halloween night. But the remake goes deeper into the characters psyche, trying to answer the question of what drove him to kill people. The plot: On Halloween in Haddonfield, Illinois, having already shown signs of psychopathic tendencies, ten-year-old Michael Myers murders a school bully named Wesley. Later that night, Michael murders his older sister Judith, his mother’s boyfriend Ronnie , and Judiths boyfriend Steve. He is then sent to a mental institution and is treated by a child psychologist but escapes 15 years later and returns to his childhood home to get his knife and his mask and continues on a killing spree. Evans, who was home schooled, said he argued with his 15-year-old sister, Mallory, that day after she made a racist comment, and he felt his family were becoming people he hated. The people who are racists, bullies, and who are full of themselves are the really evil ones. And it amazes me because those three qualities are extremely common today. I was very sad because I felt like my own family were becoming the people I hate, he wrote. After hitting golf balls, running errands with his grandmother and watching television at home, Evans put a knife in his pocket and thought about killing Mallory, according to the statement. But he decided to kill his mother and younger sister with a gun stolen from his grandfather so they wouldn’t feel pain, he wrote. I then spent probably over an hour walking nervously around the house thinking how life will never be the same and how I would never see them again, he wrote. Thoughts of causing her pain kept entering my mind and were really bothering me, he wrote. But then Id think about the times she hurt my feelings or really pissed me off. Evans then reveals he went to his sisters bedroom door and asked her to watch The Waterboy with him. But he later excused himself and went into the art room. There, he imagined killing Mallory again, he told investigators. After about 30 minutes he came back with the knife in his pocket and thought about killing her. I sat for about 5 minutes and then playfully threw a pillow at Mallory, he wrote. We started having a pillow fight in the room. After a while I thought to myself that if I were going to kill my mom and Mallory, I wouldnt want them to feel anything. So I decided to kill them both with the .22 revolver I stole from my Grandpa. Evans shot Mallory and then his mother, Jami, with the .22calibre but went back and shot his sister again after realizing she was alive, according to the statement. He also shot his mother again to make sure she was dead, he wrote. But he said after shooting his mother and sister: I know now though that I’m done with killing. It’s the most dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience. And what happened last night will haunt me forever. At the time of the slayings, the 911 call was released in which Evans can be heard calmly explaining to the dispatcher what he did and why he did it. He told her: ‘This is going to mess me up in the future…I told my sister that my mom needed her. She was in her room, and she came out of her room, and I shot her. And she rolled down the stairs and I shot her again. And then I went down(stairs) and I shot my mom maybe three or four times.’ In his confession, he describes the thoughts that went through his head as he realized what he had just done. In shock, I ran to my room and was screaming at the top of my lungs that I am really messed up and that I killed my mom and sister, he wrote. As I emptied the shells on my bed, I heard noizes (sic) and realized that Mallory was still alive. While I loaded the gun back up, I was shouting that I was sorry and then ran as fast as I could to kill her. I made sure my mom was dead and shot her again in the head. He said he placed the gun on the counter and called 911. Sheriffs deputies found the bodies of his mother and sister and arrested him. In the last lines of his confession, he wrote: I know now though that Im done with killing. Its the most dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience. And what happened last night will haunt me forever. Evans lawyer Larry Moore objected to the confession being released to the public as it would likely influence jurors in this already highly-publicized case. Teacher: His mother Jamie Evans, 48, who worked as an assistant principal for 15 years, was also killed Teacher: His mother Jamie Evans, 48, who worked as an assistant principal for 15 years, was also killed The problem is the 911 tape -- anybody in America can punch a button on the computer and hear it. Anybody in America can now punch a computer and see the statement, he said. They may or may not get into evidence at the time of the trial, but you certainly dont want the jurors seeing stuff like that before you ever get a chance to talk to them or impanel them or tell them you dont consider stuff like that until you see it at the time its introduced. Evans was arrested at his home and taken into custody, and was later charged with capital murder. Police said he was waiting outside the $500,000 house with his hands above his head.He is being held on $750,000 bond. Aledo Independent School District Superintendent Stan Manning told KHOU in Houston that both Jake and Mallory withdrew from their respective schools to be home schooled. Jake abruptly withdrew from Aledo High School at the beginning of the year, and Mallory began home schooling in January of 2010. His mother Jamie had worked for the district for years and served as an assistant principal and first grade teacher until she left in 2004. According to NBC DFW, Evans’ father was in Washington, D.C. on business. Sheriff Larry Fowler told KHOU that the family’s two other daughters no longer live at the house. After rejecting her offer to watch a movie with his sister, Evans said, he went downstairs and retrieved his dads knife. He returned upstairs and began pacing, imagining killing his little sister, he wrote. Thoughts of causing her pain kept entering my mind and were really bothering me, he wrote. But then Id think about the times she hurt my feelings or really pissed me off. They then had a pillow fight before he went to get his grandfathers gun to shoot her. One neighbour who asked that her name be withheld told the Dallas Morning News that the family were devout Christians and were always very kind. Jake Evans was described as a quiet teenager who stayed out of trouble. :E.X.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:24:48 +0000

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