This video/graphic explains the relative size of our earth; the - TopicsExpress


This video/graphic explains the relative size of our earth; the sun, solar system,and other galaxies. When the smallness of earth is compared to the great beyond it becomes clear we are not the center of the universe. That which holds it all together is God! Man is but a speck of dust when compared to the thousands of galaxies we have been able to detect. What that means; God truly is amazing to create the vast expanse of the universe and care enough to count every hair on your head. There is nothing about you or I that God does not understand or overwhelms Him. The next time you feel, lost confused and misunderstood, take a deep breath and remember, God understands. If He can create thousands of galaxies and the complexity of man; He can help you through latest snafu or crisis. As another year comes to a conclusion, make time this week to gaze at the stars to put it all in perspective. You may be undetectable in size when compared to the universe. To God you matter so much He sent to Son to die for your sins! God not only has the world, universe and galaxies in His hand; He knows your name and favorite color. He desires a personal relationship with you. You are more than cosmic dust and physical matter... you truly matter to God! Psalm 8:3-4.... When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? You Matter to God!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:51:09 +0000

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