This was back in July 2014 while they were still living off the - TopicsExpress


This was back in July 2014 while they were still living off the money I had sent them so please take note that they do not have food stored up like this at present. There currently go days without food. Grace and shalom!! First off I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to support me on my last post(s) to Steve Lopez of the Los Angeles Times. I know there are some that have yet to respond but I want to thank those of you who did. It takes a lot of hard work to do a work like this and it really tries and strengths your faith. When God tells you to do something, that doesn’t mean that you won’t run into opposition, even amongst the brethren. If we examine the word of God, KJV, from Old to New Testament, we see how the people of God had their faith put to the test on a regular basis. Abram (Abraham) was called out from his family and told to go to a place that he knew not of prior to. Then at an old age God promised him a son and then later told to offer him up. Joseph was given dreams that no one in his family believed but yet he held fast to his faith. Joseph was given the dream around 17 but it didn’t come to pass until in his 30’s. When Joseph shared his dream with his brothers they hated him yet the more. They conspired to kill him but Rueben talked them out of it and talked them into putting him in a pit hoping to come back and deliver him later. But yet his brothers came back and took him up out of the pit and sold him into slavery. From there he made it to Potiphar’s house but due to his wife lying on Joseph, as an innocent man he was sent to prison. Then at last, at God’s appointed time he made it to Pharaoh were he reigned as the second highest in the kingdom. At God’s appointed time, the dream came to pass although no one that Joseph shared it with believe him/it. I could go on with stories that would run me clear over to the New Testament. But let me not move on without mentioning Noah. How many of us would continue to preach a message warning the people to repent telling them that it was going to rain, when it had never rained on the earth before? But Noah yet still remained faithful to what God had told him. Most recently, as I have rehearsed in God’s ears the fact that I obeyed what he told me to do concerning the people of Kenya and the fact that I need his favor and can do nothing without him. It also came to mind of the testimonies of countless pastors that gave their life savings to start their ministries only to end up against a brick wall and it look like God wasn’t going to come through. Then to have the wife’s to ask them, “Are you sure God called you?” Just like Job’s wife, foolish. These pastor’s had to stand alone on their faith until God brought them out. Just as I thought on this, as I was doing my hair, my cousin was watching TBN and I walked through the room to catch Paul Crouch’s testimony of how they started TBN. They took $20.000.00 and step out on faith. Then needed $100,000.00 as a down payment and didn’t have it. They were able to raise enough to come up with $65,000.00 and at the last minute God brought in this old man that was on his way to buy a yacht and God told him to give the money to Paul and Jan Crouch to start the television station. And at the last minute the man comes through the door with a check for $35,000.00. Even the rest of the story sounds so much like mine. But one thing I must say, God is faithful that promised and he cannot lie. And I will not give up on the people of Kenya, my heart is so knit together with theirs, in spite of the struggle and the fact that the devil is trying to make it look like I lost everything that I invested. The devil is a liar!! My cousin did reach out to an elder that she knows last weekend and he recommended that I go door to door to the restaurants and car dealerships so I am getting ready to draft that letter together and work on it some this coming weekend and then completely by next month. I have exhausted my living expenses for this year by stepping out on faith to launch Kenya Arise To Life in 2014 and I don’t regret it. I told my son in the faith Pastor Daniel Ojwang that every good mother sacrifices for their children. I told him if I had to downsize, stay in a shelter temporarily, and go back to work temporarily, I would because I love them just that much. I gave until I couldn’t give any more because my heart is in this thing. But I know at God’s appointed time he will come through with the sponsorships to make life better for the people of Kenya. As a born again Spirit filled believer that was raised by old school southerners, this is all that I know and want to know. But the sad fact is that there are more crocked preachers than there are that are actually living this thing. And as a result people no longer trust the church when it comes to raising money, and shows like Preachers of LA don’t make it any better. But some of us know God’s word, KJV, and what it says about those that do it (preach) for filthy lucre. And we know for a fact that the judgment of God is swift, even though it comes at his set time when the people least expect it. I say that to say, there is no way that I would’ve put myself at the point of becoming homeless had not my cousin came to my aide for this work/cause if I didn’t believe in it. But with all that I am currently facing I can’t complain, for the people of Kenya are facing more than I am. And look at Elijah in his day, I haven’t had a raven bringing me food although there is a widow who is hunting down money so that she can bless me. Again, for taking time out of your busy schedule, I truly thank you. For those that I am reaching out to have no idea who I really am. I have made this appeal as a means of character reference. So I ask you this time, rather than write a new testimony, if you could just copy and paste the previous one on to this post? I would be ever grateful and me and my babies in Kenya would really appreciate your time and efforts. If someone wonders where my tenacity comes from, maybe you can charge it to me being the descendant of martyrs from France in the 1700’s or being the descendant of those that marched on the KKK and the Civil Rights movement. They didn’t take no for an answer and they kept fighting until it brought about a change. Time Magazine hailed my late cousin, Washington Post Retired, William “Bill” Raspberry as being the influential Black voice in White news. He was also quoted as saying he took on controversial subjects not for the sake of argument but that it would bring about a change. Here’s another article on Cousin Bill. fgfbooks/AllanBrownfeld/2012/Brownfeld120723.html Then should I mention my cousin the late Milan B. Williams walking away from the Commodores and speaking out publically about them when it came to his view on apartheid? So again, it’s in my DNA, I’m a LaGrone, and for that I will not apologize. And then my uncompromising stance for holiness, for that I will not apologize because holiness is of the Lord and you cannot make it to heaven without living and standing for holiness. And holiness is not established by an organization, bishop or pastor, and that is a sad fact that many professing Christ don’t know that and risk hell fire on a day to day basis trying to fulfill man made rules that defy God’s sovereign word, KJV. They fell to see that even Israel had often fallen in the eyes of God due to the wicked leaders of their day. And such is the case in many of our churches today. But I will not be labeled with or become partakers of such. But I will remain faithful to God and his word, KJV, and that is what he is judging his people by. And the word, KJV, plainly says that we are to take care of the poor, our widows, orphans and the needy saints. And for almost 26 years this April I have a cloud of witnesses that I have done just that. But now I am taking this to a new level by reaching out to the people of Kenya. Due to the size of the work I cannot do this alone, 299 churches, 9 schools, most of which are boarding schools and 1 orphanage. It’s a great work, it will take a lot of hard work to make it a success but the people of Kenya are worth the hard work. It wasn’t that long ago that we as African Americans (Ethiopian Jews), our forefathers were brought over on slave ships and had to endure many fights/battles to have a better life. Many of which it cost them their lives and they died that their children and grandchildren could have a better life. Now this is our time and chance to pay it forward in a big way. Last year just a little under $5000.00 was giving to the people of Kenya and most of that came from me and I spent more than double that to launch the work. Due to the size of the work, once properly assessed, it will run into the multiple millions but it can be done with your help. But this is not something that I can do alone. Just imagine if this was you and you were the one reaching out for aide. It’s easy to say no, even when you have the means to help, but it is hard to be the one that continues to ask for help and to continue to get a no. But yet the people of Kenya hold firm to their faith and keep smiling, no, after no, they still believe God will one day make a way, and so do I. And that is the reason God gave this work to me, as their voice, and I am honored. I promised the people of Kenya I would not allow them to be exploited and even though the elder that I took with me to Nairobi turned on me and did just that, tried to exploit the people of Kenya. I’ve withstood his efforts and have publically exposed his wicked works, even to the government. So again I say, my heart is in this to the end. I pray that you will join us. Kenya Arise To Life Needs Your Help!! 562-346-7804 Apostle Daniel (Pastor Daniel) Nairobi Kenya Rosemary Njage (Evangelist, singer, member) Nairobi Kenya Shalom, Prophetess Treanetta Smith Ministries Tracy Jones Charlotte Boston JP Christmas Rosa Farrar Tanisha Norman TaManda BornBlessed Wilson Tammy Mc Coy Cloud Dempster Beard Steve Lopez Los Angeles Times Washington Post Bill Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Oprah Winfrey OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Good Times Forbes Dwayne The Rock Johnson Janet Jackson Venus Williams Serena Williams The Kelly File The View Extra Good Morning America Russell Simmons Rev Run Official Kimora Lee Simmons The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Wendy Williams Show The Official Marvin Sapp Page Late Night with Seth Meyers Kobe Bryant LL Cool J Jada Pinkett Smith Will Smith Missy Elliott
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:33:50 +0000

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