This was sent over to my mom and thought I would share. Gena - TopicsExpress


This was sent over to my mom and thought I would share. Gena Phillips commented on a photo you shared. Gena wrote: Carol if you look at my FB page you will see photos of my grandson Timmy when he was in his coma from his car accident. I wanted people to see so Timmy and know what they were praying for. He is 18 months post Brain Injury and accident. Everything you have described about Josh is exactly what we went through with Timmy. As far as alot of people in his room, this was not allowed. The doctors wanted quiet for him so as to not disturb the brain from healing. We limited it to two at a time and for only a few minutes. No talking or touching as this distracts the brain. Everyone cooperated. We had a vigil of people daily morning till night in the waiting room. I took photos of Timmy through the whole hospital stay to allow him to see his progress. I dont know if you know but when he was released he was flown to The Shepherd Center, Brain Injury and Spinal Injury Rehab Center in Atlanta Georgia. They worked wonders with him. Josh will need alot of therapy. Timmy was able to do his own tube feedings when he was out. He failed 5 swallow tests before he could even go on liquids. Its a process and a slow one. But with prayers and Gods Blessings Josh will thrive. My prayers are with Josh and your family.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 16:40:09 +0000

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