This was shared with me by Amber Kelley and the impact this has - TopicsExpress


This was shared with me by Amber Kelley and the impact this has had on me has been eye opening to say the least. I feel as if this were a movie about my life as a child. Every part of my being, existence world was broken from being unloved, unseen, unheard and unwanted. She says something in this video that hit home hard for me. I never know when the world is going to be pulled from under me and I never know when I can trust standing on my own feet. Then she begins to pack her things to run. Running was all I knew, and something to this day no matter how secure I feel with my feet on the ground I am unable to unlearn. I may not get far these days as I promised myself I would for once stop running... face my past and know I could be loved. There are memories I have that one second brings back every flash of pain, every single moment thru my mind that fills me with the most extreme fear my knees shake and I get so lost within myself and the small safe place I created as a child inside me and it takes a while for me to get back and know I am not that little girl anymore. It took me a lifetime to begin to learn, love and feel safe. And like this girl the memories of her mother singing still haunt my mind... as I sang the same song to my my daughter for comfort and Landslide is tattood on our arms as a reminder I have been afraid of changing, because I built my life around you Having my 1st daughter and seeing her play, laugh and grow was the 1st time I had ever felt Love and it changed every part of my heart. And saved my life. Children who are abused, abandoned and unloved are broken and without Love I was so empty I tried to take my own life for the 1st time at the age of 9. I thank God none of the many attempts I made to leave this world worked, because his plan to show me Love would come... and he put many people in my path who gave me Love along the way and helped guide me to where I am today. Today so many children are brought into my life usually by my amazing daughter and thier lives mirror my exact story... I try to share as much Love and support with all of them as I can because I know Love, Love heals everyone and everything. No matter what I will never give up onthe ones I love. I see so many post of people saving animals well how about the children? How many of you will read this entire post yet alone watch this video? How many will go as far as helping the children in our own Sonoma County? I have nightmares about the days I spent in the dependant unit here and all the unwanted, unseen unloved children most of you do not even know are there... and just a little time out of your lives can change thiers, forever. I see so many more children being left by the ones who should be Loving, leading and supporting these children abd wonder what is happening in our world and what will become of our world with so many broken people? Wake up. I chose to share my story and so many personal issues for 1 reason, for these kids in my life to no matter what you can do anything you set out to do, just trust and believe in yourself and your own 2 feet. ♡ and when your knees start to shake, I am a phone call away and I love you all.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:42:51 +0000

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