This year Republicans are determined to not snatch defeat from the - TopicsExpress


This year Republicans are determined to not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at the last moment.... so they are starting early. Proving their commitment is based on shifting sands of empty rhetoric, they follow their RINO leader to budget compromise after budget compromise, standing fast noplace and on no principles. Forgetting the grass roots movements of conservative groups that aided numerous races, (the Tea Party among others) they are gathering in small cliques, denouncing Cruz filibuster while giving weak lip service to being against Obamacare. Forgotten is the maxim that if they dont hang together, most assuredly they will hang separately. Republicans are so used to being on the short end of compromises they cannot recognize when they dont need to. Now they compromise with each other at continuing lower levels of success while the Democrats watch. Republicans whine about spending....until the votes are taken. HELLOOOO -- All appropriations and revenues bills initiate in the House, where they hold a majority. Defunding works. Discontinuing the continuing resolutions would work. Actual oversight would work. Its the legislators who dont want to work, more and more obviously. The establishment Republicans, as opposed to those new upstart fringe conservatives of the past few years, seem no more to favor limited government or following the Constitution than the Democrats. Where are the investigations by special prosecutors, or at least raised cries of INFAMY! after the IRS, NSA, DOJ, DHS, Benghazi, Obamacare lies, coverups, law amending, scandals.....the silence is damning. Absolutely damning. Fat and Furious New Jersey traffic jam pales in comparison to any of the above abuses and illegalities, even if the thug politics seem similar. Speaker Boehner has proven adept at filling his coffers before allowing votes to reach the floor (where they are passed easily)....and as adept at caving in on every important issue in order that he can be a member of the influence country club where if you sit around and accomplish nothing you can still be welcome. McCain, of lost integrity (giving him benefit of some doubt), has become so liberal he is welcome in Obamas cabinet meetings and represents the President on missions to Syria as his constituents back home cry Betrayal!. The RNC sabotaged Ron Paul during the primary and on the floor in Tampa in 2012, and did not fight a battle of philosophies during the campaign, opting instead to react to Democrat gambits like a puppet with two broken strings handled by a person with Parkinsons Disease and Dementia. (They also sabotaged the governorship of Virginia a few months ago) Where (and WHAT) is the party identity? One of finger pointing whiners immeresed in the last century or one that can build a platform of plan, direction and leadership for the next decade? Mainstream Establishment Republicans should consider that if those they wish to dissociate from (Libertarians, Tea Party, Independents, et al) leave and formulate a single third party, Republicans will finish third (wha hoppend?) whie Democrats win again. Most people are well past tired of do nothings in office. If the voices of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and others are deemed nap disturbing irritants rather than a cry for change, the Republican obituary has already been written by a powers arrogating executive. I am an American patriot, and I approve this message. Like if you care, share if you dare---NSA is watching.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 01:03:27 +0000

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