Thousands of Cops Turn Backs to Mayor De Blasio as He Speaks at - TopicsExpress


Thousands of Cops Turn Backs to Mayor De Blasio as He Speaks at Ramos Funeral A very large number, perhaps in the thousands number of police officers, turning their backs on the mayor. Earlier this morning at the funeral for Rafael Ramos, the slain NYPD Officer executed in retaliation for the death of Eric Garner, tensions between the NYPD and Mayor Bill De Blasio took center stage when thousands of NYPD officers turned their backs on the Mayor during his condolences speech. CNN reports: Mayor de Blasio, for his part, got up and talked about extending his heartfelt condolences on behalf of the 8.4 million New Yorkers out there. I can tell you outside here in an episode of just how tough a job the mayor has in the weeks ahead, hundreds of police officers turned their backs on the screens, on the church as he spoke. Some in ones and twos right behind us. A very large number, perhaps in the thousands number of police officers, turning their backs on the mayor. Just in front of us is a sign that says God bless the NYPD. And just below it another sign attached that says Dump De Blasio. This does not mark the first time NYPD officers have turned their backs on De Blasio and has become a recurring theme of protest after the Mayor spoke disparagingly of the department when a grand jury eschewed indictment in the Eric Garner case. On Friday, tensions between the two offices reached literal new heights when an airplane flew a banner over the Hudson River proclaiming De Blasio, Our Backs Have Turned To You. According to Breitbart, De Blasio arrived to the funeral two hours late. De Blasio arrived only a short time before the service ended, reported Breitbart. He arrived around 9 PM to the wake, which started at 7 PM—so late that many assumed he had decided to skip the service, and some early news reports had said he did not attend. During the ceremony, Ramos’s son Justin said, “Dad, I’m forever grateful for the sacrifices youve made to provide for me and Jayden… I’ll miss you with every fiber of my being.” “My father was a hero, Justin continued. “I couldnt have asked for a better role model.”
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:19:49 +0000

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