Three sides of every story; yours, mines, and the truth. Dorian - TopicsExpress


Three sides of every story; yours, mines, and the truth. Dorian Johnson life isnt at stake on the #Ferguson trial so he has no reason to fabricate his story, Officer Wilson on the other hand told a completely unbelievable story. Johnsons account of what happen is way more believable than Wilsons. Watch the Video. Look at his tone and manner, he is the primary eye witness with nothing to lose. Wilsons story is completely nonsense, and if you believe it, you are choosing to justify a murder not self-defense because you feel there is an over-reaction to Mike Browns (the swisher sweets thief! omg!) death in Ferguson. Stop. Think. He reached for a cops loaded gun on the OPPOSITE side of his Wilsons body in a Tahoe!? Not even the most reckless thug would attempt such foolishness.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:59:59 +0000

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