Thyroid Cancer - Limu Moui In December of 2004, I started - TopicsExpress


Thyroid Cancer - Limu Moui In December of 2004, I started having problems with hoarseness and coughing. I was working 60+ hours a week as a grocery store manager. I thought at first that I just had a bad cold, but after month it wasn’t getting any better, only worse. Yet, because of my job I couldn’t take off work to get it checked out. Finally in March of 2005 I had my TSH level checked, thyroid deficiency can cause hoarseness. I had been on Synthroid, a synthetic thyroid medication for over 15 years and had to have blood tests run semi-annually to keep my thyroid in check because it was in a state of dying. The blood tests came back OK. Good news, right? Wrong! Something else was causing the problems. My Doctor set me up an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat specialist within a week. He visually checked my throat and was pretty sure that I had throat cancer; that was on April Fool’s Day. I was given an appointment to have a biopsy. It came back positive for T3 laryngeal cancer. Anyone that is familiar with cancer knows that a T3 cancer is not good. Cancer is rated from T1 to T4 according to severity, T4 is usually terminal, and T3 is very serious, sometimes curable, sometimes not. My right vocal cord was completely paralyzed and I was given very little hope of it ever recovering. The specialist decided to try a heavy regiment of radiation and chemotherapy in hopes of not having to perform surgery to remove my voice box. Wow, am I ever glad she made that decision! At this point Ron Berryhill started talking to my husband, Steve, about Limu and its benefits. Steve had been taking it off and on for a couple of years. I went through months of being fed through a feeding tube and trying to hold down at least some of the Ensure. I couldn’t even drink water, it went through the tube also, but so did 4 to 6 ounces of Limu daily. Those few months were tough, but something good was happening. Something that I wasn’t aware of until my first checkup after I had finished all of my treatments. The Doctor detected a vibration of my vocal cord; she called in an intern so he could verify it. Next visit I was talking pretty good, and eating too. She told me that I was months ahead of the other patients on my recovery. I firmly believe it is due to the fact that the Limu was strengthening my immune system and thus hindering the chemo and radiation from attacking my good cells as strongly. I never had to miss a treatment, like most cancer patients do, from having a low white blood cell count. Today, I stand before you totally healed of cancer and it even gets better than that. I no longer have to take my thyroid medicine. I was told over 15 years ago that I would have to swallow that little white pill every morning for the rest of my life. The TSH level for a normal thyroid is from 0.350 to 5.500. The blood tests I had run on August 15, 2005 listed mine at 0.088, very low, and that was on the medication. Thirty trips to the microwave (my radiation treatments) and 3 months of chemo were supposed to make it even worse. I had it tested a couple of weeks ago and it is now 4.510. That’s on the high end of the normal range. I have now stopped taking the Synthroid and I feel better than ever, even better than before I got cancer. Limu did not heal me; it simply provided my body the nutrients it so needed to heal itself, just as nature intends a body to do. Plus now I have an opportunity to earn an income without having to work over 60 hours a week, even when sick. I can spend more time with my family, which is very important to me. I only wish I had discovered this before my children were grown. That’s OK; I have grandchildren and a loving husband. Sharon McMahan
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 11:23:28 +0000

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