To All my Testimony to God. Im proud to share my stories with - TopicsExpress


To All my Testimony to God. Im proud to share my stories with you all. When we found out news of Daphnes condition I prayed, God I will never be ashamed to speak of You and Your work in healing her as I encounter them, just please God help our Daphne. I did the same when Hope was in the hospital too. I ask God to show me and HE did! He tested me too, I believe, to see if I would do as I said. But I was sure if I kept my promise to speak of Him he would help Daphne and Hope. So I spread His message as he works through both Daphne and Hope in their struggles in their fights in life. I continue to praise Him and pray in my faith and belief to show my love and trust, and He continues to answer my prayers. I am learning too as I experience each hurdle our family encounters. I always said I believed in God before but there was this certain uncertainty that I always felt. I was searching and had this desire, this powerful need to truly know HIM. In the past I never proclaimed my relationship with God or would openly speak of God. During that time, I was angry, unhappy, just a feeling of lost. Constant incidents that were troubling and difficult to deal with. My question was always,Why? Im sure the answer was there in front of me but my mind and heart was cluttered with the negative thoughts of POOR me, I CANT, I NEVER Its NOT, things like that. I truly didnt think I was thinking like that but I look back now and I was. It is in your darkest time when you feel you cannot see, and your lost, and afraid, you get on your knees and ask to see. To see the truth, the LIGHT! And behold it Shines! GOD COMES IN THAT LIGHT. It becomes visible, its all clear! Your fear, sorrow, anger, and despair leave and you are engulfed in a feeling of pure Peace, Love, and understanding. I would hear of this spoken by others but I never encountered it. I wanted it! I did not stop looking in the dark till I encountered it and I Have. I Embraced the presence of God in me. That is Faith working in you. This is my journey and I proclaim and own it and Im proud to say I see The LIGHT of GOD. I know He is Present in Me. I tell you this at this time because I see a world that is scared, uncertain, and full of anger but I believe that it is just the darkness our world is seeing before THE LIGHT of GOD is to appear in the conscience of those lost. I hope my testimony will enlighten you to keep searching if you are lost and looking and if you are already in the LIGHT I hope it brightens it to know my story. I love each of you reading and listening and pray you are embraced in the Light.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:01:19 +0000

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