To ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN, BET, MTV and any other - TopicsExpress


To ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN, BET, MTV and any other channels that broadcast the news. A man or a woman playing a sport admitting they are GAY is not breaking news. With all do respect, these athletes are where they are because they play a sport and are dam good at it, not because they are gay. Why is it that male gay athletes are looked at as heros and want to consider themselves a 1st at something, when women who are just as good in their respected sport are just gay/Lesbian? I have gay friends, gay clients, gay family members and I love them all with the same respect.. So what you are gay.....I like women, you like goes on. When Jason Collins came out and said he was gay, from me he would gotten a cool, do your thing brother! But no, some dumb asses compared his coming out to the world to be as iconic the Jackie Robinson integrating Major League Baseball. Really.....WTF..........since when does being gay constitute the equality of a natural born race. Jackie Robinson was discriminated against, booed and faced death threats, and had to fight against all odds. He was the 1st to do what he did. He did not just come out as a black MLB player! Todays admitting gay athletes are praised and welcomed with open arms without the worry of harm with laws put in place to protect them from discrimination, harm, bullying, etc. Pardon the Interruption, but being born White, Black, Indian, Jewish or of any ethnic background is not a choice....its what you are born of. Being gay is a choice you make in life. Its your choice and your right..........but I give no brownie points for being gay. I respect you because you are human.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 08:57:56 +0000

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